No, there is no API to return rule output.
But there is a class RuleEventLogger, which can log the input and output of the 

On 2022/11/02 16:53:53 "G.O. Barbulescu" wrote:
> Dear Apache Calcite development team,
> I am currently working on a research project in which I am considering Apache 
> Calcite for the parsing stage. I was wondering if there exists an API to 
> return the intermediate representation (relational tree) for the pre-defined 
> SQL rewrite rules?
> For instance, a relational tree for push-filter-though-join rule in format 
> (LHS relational tree => RHS relational tree).
> The motivation behind this is to have a set of rewrite rules in the same 
> format (IR) as the output of opTree.explain() to build new optimizers.
> Thanks for your time.
> Many thanks,
> George Barbulescu

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