Hi Stamatis,

Thanks for your Contribution to Calcite,I will share some of my thoughts.

> What else are we doing well in the project?

I think scalability is what Calcite does well. It is not tied to any
engine. I think this is also the reason why many engines choose Calcite as
their planner framework. I hope it will continue to be maintained.

> What areas do we need to do better?

I think Calcite could introduce more optimizations and metadata types,such
as functional dependencies,and optimizations based on it.More optimizations
about subquery decorrelation, such as using Window.More accurate
statistical information, such as extended histograms, etc.


Stamatis Zampetakis <zabe...@gmail.com> 于2023年10月23日周一 00:00写道:

> Hello community and happy birthday Calcite,
> Eight years ago (22 October 2015) Calcite graduated as a top-level
> Apache project [1]. At that point, the community decided to have an
> annual “state of the project” discussion, and we arrived at that time
> of the year.
> We have had three Calcite releases (1.33.0 to 1.35.0) so far in 2023
> [2], with probably one more coming before the end of the year. With
> roughly 300 commits coming in, it is evident that the community did a
> great job in fixing numerous bugs, landing new features, and bringing
> notable improvements and optimizations to the project. It is worth
> highlighting the collective effort that was done for improving the
> BigQuery dialect where more than 60 new SQL functions were added.
> Regarding the sub-project Avatica, we had a release at the beginning
> of the year (1.23.0) [3] featuring some new configurations for
> fetchSize and SSL key stores along with various other improvements and
> bug fixes. Since the last release, there have been roughly 10 new
> commits in the main branch mostly comprising dependency upgrades and
> build fixes. As in previous years the activity is rather low but there
> are still volunteers regularly checking and contributing to the repo.
> In terms of community, I think this has been a great year. We see more
> and more people participating in email discussions, Jira tickets and
> Github PRs. Our list of committers has grown with Istvan Toth, Alex
> Plehanov, Jiajun Xie, Tanner Clary, Zhe Hu, Jacky Lau, Oliver Lee, TJ
> Banghart, Dan Zou; and so has our PMC with Benchao Li joining the
> team. With nine new committers and one new PMC member till now, it's
> probably the best year so far (and it's not yet ended). Calcite grows
> and evolves because of (and thanks to) its community, so I would like
> to thank everyone for being part of this family and working together
> in a respectful and motivating environment.
> It was nice to see our community members giving talks to conferences
> such as ApacheCon East Asia, VLDB, and Community over Code presenting
> Calcite and/or its application. As in previous years, we had one
> online Calcite meetup, which was a great opportunity for the community
> to virtually meet and share some interesting presentations, and
> hopefully we could add some in-person events in the years to come.
> Over the past few years we always had problems with reviewing pull
> requests with a lot of weight falling upon a few individuals. In the
> last board report for (Q3 2023), the numbers were a bit more
> encouraging showing more people involved in reviews. The problem is
> not yet solved but we are moving in a promising direction.
> To conclude, I will repeat the questions from previous years:
> 1) What else are we doing well in the project?
> 2) What areas do we need to do better?
> Please take some time to share your thoughts!
> Note that this discussion is for everyone, not only for committers /
> PMC members; even if you have never sent an email to the dev list
> before, now is a good time to do so :)
> Finally, it has been a privilege to serve as Calcite's PMC Chair this
> year. I have learnt a lot and I am very grateful for the opportunity
> that I was given. Following our yearly rotation tradition, I will step
> down as Chair by the end of the year, and a new one will have to be
> chosen. As we discussed some time ago [4], if you have any suggestion
> and you would like to put someone forward as a potential next Chair,
> please send an email to priv...@calcite.apache.org. The nomination
> period for the new chair will remain open for the next two weeks (till
> 2023-11-05). The PMC will study all proposals, discuss, and start a
> vote soon after 2023-11-05. The change will be effective some time in
> December once the resolution is approved by the board.
> Best,
> Stamatis
> [1] https://calcite.apache.org/news/2015/10/22/calcite-graduates/
> [2] https://calcite.apache.org/news/
> [3] https://calcite.apache.org/avatica/news/
> [4] https://lists.apache.org/thread/gplfqs4snr1b6h62cngyvb65sz41z3fk

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