
For the kinds of tasks that you mention, I tend to use the visitors. For 
example, to find whether can expression contains an IS NULL operator:

  public static boolean containsIsNull(RexNode e) {
    try {
      e.accept(new RexVisitorImpl<Void>(true) {
        @Override public Void visitCall(RexCall call) {
          if (call.getKind() == SqlKind.IS_NULL) {
            throw Util.FoundOne.NULL;
          return super.visitCall(call);
      return false;
    } catch (Util.FoundOne x) {
      return true;

There are many partially-baked utilities in RexUtil and SqlUtil, for example 
SqlUtil.containsIn calls SqlUtil.containsCall with a Predicate.


> On Jan 26, 2024, at 9:18 AM, Mihai Budiu <> wrote:
> Hello.
> I am not sure what you mean by "introspection".
> I assume you have seen this blog post about the 3 calcite IRs that you 
> mention:
> Visitors are the way to go for traversing these data structures.
> Mihai
> ________________________________
> From: Matthew McMillian <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2024 7:28 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: [Question] Query Introspection on SqlNode, RexNode, and RelNode
> Hi Calcite Devs,
> Before I start, I just wanted to say that Calcite is a really awesome
> framework! It's awesome to see a community come together to create such a
> cool tool.
> For reference, I'm using Calcite 1.36.
> I'm newer to the Calcite ecosystem, but I have been experimenting with its
> features for some time. I'm interested in using Calcite's different IRs
> (SqlNode, RexNode, and RelNode in particular) to introspect a query. In
> particular, I'm interested in analyzing a query's tree/plan and finding out
> details about the query. Some examples to illustrate what I'm interested in
> finding out (though not all the questions I might want to ask) are:
> - At some arbitrary expression, what columns are referenced in that
> expression?
> - At some arbitrary expression, what functions are used in that expression?
> - At some arbitrary expression, is this a subquery?
> - At some arbitrary expression, what does the structure of the query look
> like? Does it contain any subqueries or common table expressions?
> From what I've read in the JavaDocs, there are a few utilities that have
> caught my eye, but I'm not 100% sure I'm looking in the right places.
> - For SqlNode, I haven't noticed anything that can help me discover/collect
> information from arbitrary nodes in a SqlNode tree. I've noticed that a
> Visitor class is available, which is extremely useful. Does Calcite offer
> any built-in introspection in this area, or is it expected that the
> framework user extend the Visitor class to perform such introspection?
> - For RexNode, I was unable to find anything that can allow me to
> introspect RexNodes. I see that RexNodes also has a Visitor class, but I
> have similar questions to the previous bullet point about built-in
> introspection. In addition, I've also been unable to figure out how to
> resolve RexInputRefs back to their source expressions so I could perform
> analysis.
> - For RelNode, I've found that the class RelMetadataQuery is very helpful
> for analyzing a relational tree, but I've struggled to find out how to
> introspect the details of LogicalProjects since a good chunk of the data
> model's details (not structure) correspond to RexNodes.
> My question for the team is: I've read through the documentation and have
> checked out the JavaDocs quite a bit, but I haven't been able to find
> the idiomatic way to perform this type of introspection in Calcite. Does
> the team have any pointers on what parts of the codebase are valuable for
> this type of introspection? Is this type of introspection even possible in
> vanilla Calcite, or is this something that I would need to extend myself?
> Are some of the areas I've called out even the right places to look to
> solve the kind of introspection questions I've mentioned? Any guidance /
> pointers in this area to get me set in the right direction would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thank you for your time,
> Matthew McMillian

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