Your proposals will of course work. But they force the user to think in terms 
of a lower-level language.

 * TUMBLE is of course simple. Before we had TUMBLE we used "GROUP BY FLOOR(…)”.

 * HOP is a bit more complicated, because you need to create multiple copies of 
each row, each going into a different group. (In your solution, joining to the 
UNNEST is what creates those multiple copies. But that will introduce 
double-counting into any other aggregate functions in the same query, so the 
user will need to be careful.)

 * You don’t mention SESSION, which is more complicated still. I don’t think it 
can be reduced to a simple operator.


> On Feb 9, 2024, at 11:30 AM, Mihai Budiu <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am not sure whether this is the right place to discuss this problem, but I 
> don't know a better one.
> I am looking at the streaming extensions TUMBLE and HOP. I wonder why they 
> require multiple functions and table functions each. It looks to me like they 
> can be implemented in a much simpler way.
>  *
> TUMBLE can in fact be a scalar function that takes a timestamp and returns a 
> timestamp (the start of the window). It can be just used in a SELECT 
> statement, like any other scalar function.
>  *
> HOP can be in fact a scalar function that takes a timestamp and returns an 
> array of timestamps (the start of all the windows containing the timestamp). 
> It can be used in a SELECT with an UNNEST for the array.
> Then all this business about table functions and _START, _END is no longer 
> required.
> Thank you,
> Mihai

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