Hey Dilip,

I don't think your attachment made it through, due to moderation. Can you try uploading it as a gist on GitHub?


On 29/03/2024 7:50 am, Dilip Patel wrote:

We have a data warehouse, and I want to expose only selected tables from the DW and create a virtual database. I aim to allow the consumer to query these tables via the JDBC driver. I came across the Calcite and Avatica libraries and they seem to be capable of doing this.

I was able to connect to the Datawarehouse database and expose all the tables and columns using Avatica running as a server. However, despite my best efforts, I couldn't find a way to expose only certain tables and their columns. Can you provide some examples of how to do this?

I have attached the code. I have implemented custom meta, but I am still unable to invoke the getTables function (I believe it is called by the Avatica framework itself )

So that you know, the implementation is just rough to get my feet wet with Calcite and Avatica.

Thank you,

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