Committed revision 752465.

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 12:58 PM, James Strachan
<> wrote:
> 2009/3/11 Claus Ibsen <>:
>> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 12:20 PM, James Strachan
>> <> wrote:
>>> 2009/3/10 Claus Ibsen <>:
>>>> Hi
>>>> The Exchange.getException() method is based on Throwable. I think this
>>>> is wrong and we should change it to Exception.
>>>> We should let the java.lang.Error left alone to the JDK itself to
>>>> handle it, so end users cannot try .. catch(Throwable) and thus
>>>> hide java.lang.OutOfMemoryError etc.
>>>> The camel-core has this issue as well with catching Throwables around
>>>> its code. It should only catch Exception.
>>>> And I am prepareing a patch to fix this.
>>>> Any objections to change it to Exception and fix the camel-core?
>>> Sounds fine to me. So long as we can catch programming bugs (e.g.
>>> NullPointerException in some custom processor code) that should be
>>> fine.
>> ? NPE is a RuntimeException so it would be just as it always have been.
>> Its just that we let java.lang.Error to the JDK itself, so when it
>> reports OutOfMemoryError, and that infinite stack trace error and what
>> else then Camel do NOT catch it.
> Yes - sorry thats what I meant. That checked & runtime exceptions
> should be catchable - but errors like OOM shouldnt.
> --
> James
> -------
> Open Source Integration

Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel Committer

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