Hi Gregor,

It could be more easy to run the tests if you are using oracle lasted JDK 7.

Willem Jiang

Red Hat, Inc.
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On May 14, 2014 at 4:10:41 PM, Gregor Zurowski (gre...@zurowski.org) wrote:
> Hi Everyone:
> During the last vote for releasing version 2.13.1 it seemed that most of
> you who voted use OS X as the primary platform for building Camel locally.
> My primary development platforms are Windows and Linux, and I actually had
> to struggle a bit to get all JUnit tests executed. As posted in the voting
> thread, I had to modify two tests
> (DefaultTraceEventMessageTest.testDefaultTraceEventMessageBody [1] and
> PrinterPrintTest.setJobName) that would obviously not run on Windows at
> all. What I also experienced is that some tests fail sporadically
> (especially tests in camel-jgroups and camel-ftp seem to fail often). After
> numerous attempts, I was eventually able to build on Windows without test
> failures. I was not able to build on Ubuntu Linux 14.04 with Java 7 though.
> Before going into further details I want to understand whether these
> sporadic test failures could be platform related or whether you also
> experience these when building locally?
> Thanks in advance,
> Gregor
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/camel/commit/48923c5ae8e2a6247f44306ab272634466b4d053

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