Hi Cameleers,
just as a heads up: myself and my colleague have submitted a request for a
devroom at FOSDEM 2020. This is a time sensitive as submissions need to be
done by tomorrow.

If the devroom does get approved I'll put out a greater call for
participation from the Camel community.

This is the full text of the submission:

We acknowledge that we have received your request for the following devroom.
After we review all devroom requests, we will inform you accordingly via

Title: Integration Processes
Coordinator: MarĂ­a Arias de Reyna
Coordinator email: ariasdere...@redhat.com
Secondary contact: Zoran Regvart
Secondary email: zo...@regvart.com

Integration Processes are the "glue" between processes. Automating the data
flows, adding conditional steps, handling credentials on a secure way,...
That's usually a tedious and repetitive task lost of developers do again
and again.

With Integration Processes libraries/frameworks we can make it simpler and
reuse expertise from other developers. See also Enterprise Integration

On this devroom we want to explore this field, both with introduction talks
for beginners and more advanced talks for experts (we will order the talks
from beginner to expert). If some quick hands-on workshop wants to
participate, they are welcome too.

FLOSS Projects already involved in this devroom planning: Syndesis[1] and
Apache Camel[2]. Other similar projects are welcome to present their state
of the art and ideas.

[1] https://syndesis.io/
[2] https://camel.apache.org/
[3] https://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/

Coordinator's affinity to the topic of the devroom:
I am part of the Syndesis community and also participate briefly on the
Apache Camel.

Why does it fit FOSDEM:
We already have the participation of the FLOSS projects Syndesis[1] and
Apache Camel[2] confirmed. We want to invite other developers to join the
conversation (and maybe join the projects) and explore if there are more
FLOSS projects covering the same or similar areas to encourage

One of the goals for next year is to reach to more developers and grow our
Syndesis community, ensuring long term health of the project. FOSDEM is the
perfect venue to do so.

If we get enough interest, we may even do some hands-on live coding quick

[1] https://syndesis.io/
[2] https://camel.apache.org/

Relevant URLs:
[1] https://syndesis.io/
[2] https://camel.apache.org/
[3] https://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/

Full day

Special requirements:
Just screen, projector, electricity plug and some laptop to connect to the
projector. If no laptop, an HDMI cable to the projector. If no HDMI, warn
us to make sure we have the proper adapter.

Seats for participants will be welcomed too :)

Zoran Regvart

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