

I wanted to share that we can now mark which options on components,
endpoints, data formats, and languages that can be automatic autowired
by type.

The use cases is to configure automatic DataSouce, ConnectionFactory,
AWS Client, and other kinds of resources, which a component otherwise
would require to function.

Today this was kinda a mix with some components had a manual code for
this (camel-jms, and I think camel-sql may also). But now we have made
it easier. Just say

@Metadata(autowired = true) on the option in the endpoint / component
source code.

Then its also updated in the docs where its shown as bold in the description.
See ConnectionFactory option:

The website need a rebuild to have it on camel.apache.org.

This works across all runtimes of Camel.

Previously we had some "magic" code in camel-main, but that had some
overhead during bootstrap and also a bit on memory. And it was all
options and not specific which you could mark out as now.

So what we can do is to start adding @Metadata(autowired = true) for
options in components / endpoints as we find them useable.

Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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