Thank you, Claus.
This will really help.
Will data formats in camel-yaml-dsl.json be also consistent after that or
do we need to fix it as well?


On Sun., Jan. 16, 2022, 09:13 Claus Ibsen <> wrote:

> Hi
> Ticket:
> The data formats have over the time become inconsistent in the model
> and their names and also name vs camel-xxx JAR name etc.
> So after the 3.14 LTS release and where we drop JDK8 then we are doing
> some house cleaning.
> We also have some components to be marked as deprecated and to be removed
> later.
> The data format renaming is a more complex "thing" as we have a bunch
> of source code generated files based on those names.
> So a rename of eg zipfile to zipFile (to use camel case) that causes
> the generated files to keep the existing file name because the lower
> case name existed. So to "fix" this a commit is needed to delete the
> first, and then another to regenerate the files.
> So for all of this work I did this today on a quiet day but there is
> about 50 commits in total as there are many regens in this line of
> spirit to make it all work.
> I am not sure if a git quash would work?
> I pushed the code to a branch
> And a bit PR (we can try to squash this one)
> --
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> @davsclaus
> Camel in Action 2:

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