
This is a vote to release Camel K Runtime 3.2.0. This release aligns to
Camel Quarkus 3.2.0 dependencies which is based on Camel 4.0.0 and Quarkus
Platform 3.2.6.Final.

Camel K Runtime source files:

Camel K Runtime staging repository:

Camel K Runtime Tag:

It's possible test the staging artifacts by installing the latest Camel K
CLI (kamel) with the staging repository and run any Integration with the
new runtime:

kamel install --maven-repository=
--olm=false --base-image eclipse-temurin:17

kamel run Test.java -t camel.runtime-version=2.16.0

Mind the presence of the base-image parameter set to a JDK 17 based image
required by Camel Quarkus/Camel applications to be executed.

Please test this release candidate and cast your vote.

[ ] +1 Release Apache Camel K Runtime 3.2.0
[ ] -1 Veto the release (provide specific comments)

The vote is open for at least 72 hours.

I start the vote with my +1.

Thanks and regards,
Pasquale Congiusti

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