Hi guys,

I started to completely refactore camel-karaf:


As already discussed, this refactoring:
0. Cleanup/cleaners camel-karaf modules layout
1. Wrap the Camel modules (core, components, ...) as bundles and
define features (we have the control here of what we want to ship
private or import, I'm in favor of import when possible, fallback to
private when needed)
2. It uses the JakartaEE namespaces (and defines the corresponding
features waiting for Karaf to provide it)
3. camel-core-osgi is now using Camel 4.x
4. I'm working on camel-blueprint now, checking if I need a new Aries
Blueprint release updated to Jakarta JAXB (or shade/relocate).

I'm still working on it (including this weekend) to have a first fully
working version.
I will create a PR as soon as I make sensitive tests.

Comments and questions are welcome :)


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