Hi there,

I was trying to use the most up-to-date version of the following Maven
plugin to generate the REST routes and DTOs for a given openApi 3.1.0 spec:

with default settings in the <build> section and using the option:

Unfortunately it gave me this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(generate-sources) on project openapi-test: Execution generate-sources of
goal org.apache.camel:camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin:4.4.0:generate-with-dto
failed: Unsupported document type:

(The Maven plugin camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin uses apicurio version 2.0.3
but this apicurio version already contains/supports an openApi 3.1
datamodel. It's just that this plugin seems not to be able to handle this
data model)

So isn't the plugin compatible with openApi Spec 3.1.0? I can't see that
restriction from the plugin documentation here:

Thanks and kind regards


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