
+1 (binding)

De : Andrea Cosentino <anco...@gmail.com>
Envoyé : lundi 9 décembre 2024 10:03
À : dev <dev@camel.apache.org>; us...@camel.apache.org <us...@camel.apache.org>
Objet : [VOTE] Release Apache Camel Kamelets 4.8.2

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Hello all,

This is a vote for releasing camel-kamelets 4.8.2

This is a release supporting Camel 4.8.2, the second patch release for
Camel 4.8.x LTS.

Kamelets release files:
Kamelets staging repository:
Kamelets Tag:

Please cast your vote.

[ ] +1 Release camel-kamelets 4.8.2
[ ] -1 Veto the release (provide specific comments)

The vote is open for at least 72 hours.

Here's my +1.

Andrea Cosentino

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