Thank you for the response Liang. I think I have followed the example but
it still returns error:
       Data loading failed. table not found: default.carbontest
attached my code below: I read data from a hive table with HiveContext and
convert it to CarbonContext then generate the df and save to hdfs. I'm not
sure whether it's correct or not when I generate the dataframe in
25) Do you have any other mothod we can use to generate DF?

object SparkConvert {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("CarbonTest")

    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

    val path = "hdfs:///user/appuser/lucao/CarbonTest_001.carbon"

    val hqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)

    val df = hqlContext.sql("select * from default.test_data_all")

    println("the count is:" + df.count())

    val cc = createCarbonContext(df.sqlContext.sparkContext, path)

    writeDataFrame(cc, "CarbonTest", SaveMode.Append)


  def createCarbonContext(sc : SparkContext, storePath : String):
CarbonContext = {

    val cc = new CarbonContext(sc, storePath)



  def writeDataFrame(cc : CarbonContext, tableName : String, mode :
SaveMode) : Unit = {

    import cc.implicits._

    val sc = cc.sparkContext

    val df = sc.parallelize(sc.files,



      .option("tableName", tableName)

      .option("compress", "true")





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