On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 08:41 +0300, Ran Tavory wrote:
> How about the following compromise:
> Add a simple web server to each node with only one simple servlet that
> simply spits out all JMX stats on one page. Not fancy, no graphs,
> simply the same values you can get from jconsole, but on a web page.
> To me it seems like a fair tradeoff b/w maintenance and easier out of
> the box management.  Shooting up jconsole for each server is
> cumbersome, at least in the environment I work in (firewalls, high
> latency etc) so a web interface can be nice. 

It still seems superfluous to me, but I'd be open to something
fire-and-forget (i.e. wouldn't need updating each time something new was

Eric Evans

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