It's a string instead of an int precisely because there is no such list;
different systems can put anything they want there. For instance, node
movement will cause the new token to be encoded there.

On Jul 21, 2010 1:57 AM, "Boris Spasojevic" <>

Hi all,

I am attempting to capture the states that Cassandra passes through for
some analyses. I have found the HeartBeatState, ApplicationState and
EndPointState (
classes but I cannot find a list of values which can appear in the
fields of the AplicationState (int version_; String state_;) mostly
state_, because version is, as I understood it, just for control. Could
anyone give any detail on how the states are organized, and what values
should I expect.

Thanks in advance,
  • State Objects Boris Spasojevic
    • Re: State Objects Jonathan Ellis

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