
I was looking to see if I could find the cassandra jars on the maven
central repository (repo1.maven.org) but I see that they are not there
(http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/cassandra -> 404 not found)

So I had a quick search of the mailing lists and this was what I found:

I will hereby put my head above the parapet: I am willing to "support
mvn users, respond to the jira tickets they generate, and send patches
to the committers."

Just to be clear, I do not want to change your build from ant to
maven. I just want to see the artifacts published to the maven central
repository so that people using maven/gradle/etc (i.e. all the build
tools that pull jars from the maven central repository) can easily use

Do you want my help, and if so where do you want me to start?


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