On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Eric Evans <eev...@rackspace.com> wrote:

> > My opinion is we need to control the lowest layers of the code and not
> > rely on a third party library.  By using a third party library like
> > Avro, it becomes a black box that we need to deeply understand and
> > work around. Also, since Avro is developed separately we have another
> > core dependency that could disrupt releases (say a bug in Avro).
> +1


> Anyway, we have too many dependencies as it is, I'd rather move toward
> eliminating it entirely unless there is a very compelling reason not to
> (I don't think there is).

+1.  It seems that once we introduced the now removed avro interface, it
started infecting everything else 'because it was there.'


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