On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 4:06 AM, Sylvain Lebresne <sylv...@datastax.com> wrote:
>  Having tests that are
> intrinsically
> the same kind of tests in two places bugs me a bit more however.

I do think that CQL tests in general make more sense as unit tests,
but I'm not so anal that I'm going to insist on rewriting existing
ones.  But in theory, if I had an infinite army of interns, sure. I'd
have one of them do that. :)

But in the real world, compared to saying "we don't have any cql unit
tests, so we should always write them as dtests to be consistent" I
think having mixed unit + dtests is the lesser of evils.

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder, http://www.datastax.com

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