The switch will necessarily hurt 3.0 adoption, but I think we’ll live. To me, 
the benefits (mostly access to lambdas and default methods, tbh) slightly 
outweigh the downsides.



On May 7, 2015 at 19:22:53, Gary Dusbabek ( wrote:


On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 11:09 AM, Jonathan Ellis <> wrote:  

> We discussed requiring Java 8 previously and decided to remain Java  
> 7-compatible, but at the time we were planning to release 3.0 before Java 7  
> EOL. Now that 8099 and increased emphasis on QA have delayed us past Java  
> 7 EOL, I think it's worth reopening this discussion.  
> If we require 8, then we can use lambdas, LongAdder, StampedLock, Streaming  
> collections, default methods, etc. Not just in 3.0 but over 3.x for the  
> next year.  
> If we don't, then people can choose whether to deploy on 7 or 8 -- but the  
> vast majority will deploy on 8 simply because 7 is no longer supported  
> without a premium contract with Oracle. 8 also has a more advanced G1GC  
> implementation (see CASSANDRA-7486).  
> I think that gaining access to the new features in 8 as we develop 3.x is  
> worth losing the ability to run on a platform that will have been EOL for a  
> couple months by the time we release.  
> --  
> Jonathan Ellis  
> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra  
> co-founder,  
> @spyced  

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