
I understand that 8099 has put us in a difficult position. Nevertheless,
8099 is a kind of special case and in my opinion ignoring failing tests can
be a dangerous thing.

I am not against doing it for 3.0 and trunk but, if we do it, we should do
it only until we have recover from 8099.

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Benjamin Lerer

Software Engineer| +41 76 396 64 60 | benjamin.le...@datastax.com

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On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 9:29 PM, Ariel Weisberg <ariel.weisb...@datastax.com
> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for bring this up Michael.
> I want to elaborate on the impetus for this (or at least my take on it).
> When 8099 merged we had a thing that must never happen for our process to
> work. We introduced a large enough number of test failures that it was
> difficult to tell if you introduced a regression.
> At the time we thought we could exclude the test failures prior to 8099
> and that the test failures introduced by 8099 would get addressed promptly.
> What has happened instead is that the number of failures have snowballed to
> the point that you can hardly tell if you broke anything even if you
> compare test by test with trunk. You have to go into the history on trunk
> for each test and go back several pages to really be sure.
> If you don’t have consistently passing CI you can’t avoid the addition of
> test failures by ongoing work that slip in masked by known failures.
> The artery is severed, we’re bleeding out, and we’re going to have to lose
> the leg. I’m sure the prosthetic when it comes will be just as good, but
> the rehab is going to suck. There that’s my analogy.
> I think the utests are in pretty good shape but the pig tests are a
> problem. They extend the job time a lot, cause aborts, and fail randomly.
> Ariel
> > On Aug 14, 2015, at 3:16 PM, Michael Shuler <mich...@pbandjelly.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > This is a prompt for Cassandra developers to discuss the alternatives
> and let Test Engineering know what you desire.
> >
> > As discussed a few times in person, on irc, etc., there are a couple
> different ways we can run tests in Jenkins, particularly cassandra-dtest.
> The Cassandra developers are the committers to unit tests, so Test
> Engineering runs whatever is in the branch. If you'd like to make changes
> to unit tests to make things blue, just commit those!
> >
> > Currently, we run dtests as 1), but we could do 2):
> >
> > 1) Run all dtests that don't catastrophically hang a server, pass or
> fail, and report the results.
> > 2) Run only known passing dtests, skipping anything that fails - make it
> all blue on the main branch builds.
> >
> > The biggest benefit is that dev branch builds should be easily
> recognizable as able to merge, if the dtest run is passing and blue. There
> is no comparison with the main branch build needing interpretation.
> >
> > Test Eng has recently added the ability run *only* the skipped tests and
> has a a prototype job, trunk_dtest-skipped-with-require, to dig through.
> This could be set up for all main branch builds, moving anything that
> doesn't pass 100% to the -skipped job. This is perhaps the drawback with 2)
> above: we're simply not going to run all the dtests on your dev branch. I
> don't think it makes sense to set up a -skipped dtest job on your dev
> branches. In addition, there's another job result set to go look at to
> properly evaluate the true state of a Cassandra branch or release. There
> may be other side effects - feel free to chime in.
> >
> > I'm on a "disconnected" holiday until Monday Aug 24, so I won't have a
> chance to check in until then - the Test Eng team can field questions or
> clarifications, if needed.
> >
> > --
> > Warm regards,
> > Michael

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