
This is the Cassandra developer mailing list aimed at contributors to the 
Cassandra code base (not all of whom work for DataStax for example). Can I 
suggest you contact DataStax and ask the same question?


Ryan Svihla

> On Feb 3, 2016, at 9:27 AM, Corry Opdenakker <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Yesterday evening I installed DSE for the first time at my macbook, and I
> must say that untill now it runs very fast with 0 users and 0 data records:)
> I was reading the release notes of C* 3.x and it reports "The Storage
> Engine has been refactored", "Java 8 required", and the introduction of
> "Materialized Views"  as some of the most important changes.
> When will there be a DSE version released that Corresponds with Cassandra
> 3.2 or any other 3.x subversion?
> If there isn't one planned yet then I'll probably switch to C* 3.2 before
> starting development.
> I've searched at several places but I couldn't find a DSE release
> announcement or product roadmap that covers this topic.
> If anyone could mention the relevant page, then that would be great.
> Cheers, Corry

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