Thanks for reporting the problem.
I will look into it.



On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 3:19 PM, Luis Ángel Vicente Sánchez <> wrote:

> I think I have found an issue when you have a simple column family with a
> simple primary key (no clustering keys) and you use the IN clause. This
> problem only happens with Cassandra 3.x, in Cassandra 2.x works just fine.
> You can reproduce this issue by checking out this project:
> It's written in Scala but I have provided instructions on how to run the
> program.
> I will copy here the content of where I explain the problem:
> # cassandra-3.x-error #
> This repository reproduces an error in Cassandra 3.x when the fetch size is
> smaller than the number of rows in a column family. For the shake of this
> demo, fetch size would be 2 and the number of rows 3.
> ## Pre-steps ##
> 1. Use `src/main/cql/script.cql` to create the key space and column
> families.
> 2. Modify contact point and port in `src/main/scala/CassandraError.scala`.
> 3. Modify contact point and port in `src/main/scala/CassandraOk.scala`.
> 4. Open `sbt` by executing `./sbt` in the root of the project.
> ## Error ##
> Execute `runMain CassandraError`. We would get this in our terminal:
> ```
> [info] Measure(1,11)
> [info] Measure(2,7)
> [info] Measure(2,7)
> [info] Measure(3,23)
> [info] Measure(3,23)
> ```
> If we run the same program against Cassandra 2.x, we would get this:
> ```
> [info] Measure(1,11)
> [info] Measure(2,7)
> [info] Measure(3,23)
> ```
> We were expecting Cassandra 3.x to produce the same output as Cassandra
> 2.x. It seems that there is an issue with simple primary keys, pagination
> and the IN clause.
> ## Ok ##
> Execute `runMain CassandraOk`. Whether we ran it against Cassandra 2.x or
> Cassandra 3.x, we would get this in our terminal:
> ```
> [info] Measure(1,0,11)
> [info] Measure(2,0,7)
> [info] Measure(3,0,23)
> ```
> Should I create an issue?
> Regards,
> Luis

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