Trying out (yet another) new format since the last one came through wrapped.

|                 Test                  |           Notes            |
| testall                               | all passed                 |
| dtest: crash_during_decommission_test | Regression, Needs triage   |
| novnode: view_tombstone_test          | 12097, patch available     |
| upgrade suite                         | Build failed. Needs triage |

Python driver changes appear to have made a really positive difference, and
we're down to only a single failure on the dtest and novnode branches
respectively. Great work!

Unfortunately the upgrade tests are a different story as the last run
failed to
complete. I've kicked off another run of the tests since I'd like us to get
new baseline now that 12236 has gone in.

I'll be out tomorrow and Joel will be taking over the email.


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