Today's unpleasantry: upgrade tests failed to run. This makes
failure to run to completion on 4 of the last 10 runs. We
should probably look into stabilizing this test environment and/or
the tests if tests are causing the full job to fail as a failed run
is essentially the worst result we can get here.

testall: No failures!

dtest: Down to 1 failure
      Removed windows label
      Needs triage
      Slightly flaky - failed 2 of last 24

novnode: 5 failures
   2x cdc_test.TestCDC.test_cdc_data_available_in_cdc_raw
      Addressed by CASSANDRA-11811
      Assigned to blambov
      Removed windows label on that ticket
      Regression on cdc test, first failure
      Honestly, no clue what's up here.
      Looks like it's failing to find the known_failure method in
      ? Anyone have any ideas?
      Linked to: CASSANDRA-11414 (closed as resolved)
      Single regression
      Likely needs triage and a new ticket to track different failure
      Linked to: CASSANDRA-12395 (closed as resolved)
      Different error than ticket
      Likely needs triage and a new ticket to track different failure

I'm going to be out for a few days so Joel will be taking over on the daily
email again in my stead.


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