With 3.10 voting in progress (take 3), 3.11 in December/January (probably?), we 
should solidify the plan for 4.0.

I went through the archives and found a number of proposals. We (PMC) also had 
a very brief chat in private to make sure we hadn’t missed any, and here are 
the proposals that we’ve seen suggested. 

Option #1: Jon proposed [1] a feature release every 3 months and bugfixes for 6 
months after that.
Option #2: Mick proposed [2] bimonthly feature, semver, labelling release with 
stability/quality during voting, 3 GA branches at a time. 
Option #3: Sylvain proposed [3] feature / testing / stable branches, Y cadence 
for releases, X month rotation from feature -> testing -> stable -> EOL (X to 
be determined). This is similar to an Ubuntu/Debian like release schedule – I 
asked Sylvain for an example just to make sure I understood it, and I’ve copied 
that to github at [4].
Option #4: Jeremiah proposed [5] keeping monthly cadence, and every 12 months 
break off X.0.Y which becomes LTS (same as 3.0.x now). This explicitly excludes 
alternating tick/tock feature/bugfix for the monthly cadence on the 
newest/feature/4.x branch. 
Option #5: Jason proposed a revision to Jeremiah’s proposal such that releases 
to the LTS branches are NOT tied to a monthly cadence, but are released “as 
needed”, and the LTS branches are also “as needed”, not tied to a fixed 
(annual/semi-annual/etc) schedule. 

Please use this thread as an opportunity to discuss these proposals or feel 
free to make your own proposals. I think it makes sense to treat this like a 
nomination phase of an election – let’s allow at least 72 hours for submitting 
and discussing proposals, and then we’ll open a vote after that.

- Jeff

[4]: https://gist.github.com/jeffjirsa/9bee187246ca045689c52ce9caed47bf

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