I'm interested in having cassandra client installed separately. I thought that 
java classes in cassandra-all.jar are those needed by cassandra server. Also 
that the cassandra-clientutil.jar would hold all the necessary classes to run 
nodetool and all other sstabletools. My asumptions were wrong so I wonder, what 
is the meaning of classes to jars distribution here in the latest 3.9 release. 
Wouldn't it be more convenient to distributed the classes to jars like this? 
cassandra-common : classes needed by both server and client-utilities (and 
cassandra-server : classes needed by server only
cassnadra-client : classes needed by client only
I know there are two extra jars in the latest 3.9 release (thrift, stress). I 
also know that the thrift support is going to be dropped in future versions so 
I realy don't care about casses in thrift.jar. And the stress tools once again 
I guess this jar should contain only those extra classes needed by stress tools.
Thaks for your replies.

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