To some extent it’s fluid.

For outright MV bugs (correctness, severe performance issues), 3.11 would still 
be allowed.
Unless the change set touches too much code and is deemed to be potentially 

I would recommend starting all the work on trunk, and on case-by-case basis 
(think committer consensus),
backport all/some of the patches to 3.11. 


On 15 February 2017 at 19:51:09, Benjamin Roth ( wrote:

Hi there,  

I'd like to start working on some MV improvements the next days. I created  
several tickets for that some weeks ago.  

Which is the right branch to start working on? The tick-tock discussion  
about different branches lately was a bit confusing.  

Second question:  
Is there anybody out there who would like to assist me or would like to  
work together on that?  
I have several ideas for improvements and I'd love to work on them but I  
know only a small part of the whole code base and also have little  
experience with the history of the code base. If not, I will start alone  
but I'd appreciate any kind of support.  

Thanks folks!  

Benjamin Roth  

Jaumo GmbH ·  
Wehrstraße 46 · 73035 Göppingen · Germany  
Phone +49 7161 304880-6 · Fax +49 7161 304880-1  
AG Ulm · HRB 731058 · Managing Director: Jens Kammerer  

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