I’m guessing this was part of 

I see Sylvain left a comment about something that sounds pretty similar… was 
this actually resolved? looks like it was merged as 
when do ccm releases get published to pypy?

On Nov 17, 2017, at 12:18 AM, Michael Kjellman 
<mkjell...@internalcircle.com<mailto:mkjell...@internalcircle.com>> wrote:

I see a ton of upgrade tests right now failing for:

Unexpected error in node1 log, error:
ERROR [main] 2017-11-17 07:57:54,477 CassandraDaemon.java:672 - Exception 
encountered during startup: Invalid yaml. Please remove properties [rpc_port] 
from your cassandra.yaml

I do see that rpc_port is in 3.0 and it seems to have been yanked from trunk.. 
So it seems like a legitimate failure.. I’m not sure I fully understand how the 
yaml upgrade path works for upgrade test dtests. I’ve taken a look at 
upgrade_tests/upgrade_manifest.py and upgrade_tests/README.md… can anyone shed 
any light on how this is supposed to work? Was handling rpc_port in the upgrade 
dtests just missed when this was removed for whatever reason from trunk?



On Nov 16, 2017, at 9:09 PM, Michael Kjellman 

Quick update re: dtests and off-heap memtables:

I’ve filed CASSANDRA-14056 (Many dtests fail with ConfigurationException: 
offheap_objects are not available in 3.0 when OFFHEAP_MEMTABLES=“true”)

Looks like we’re gonna need to do some work to test this configuration and 
right now it’s pretty broken...

Do we have any volunteers to fix the broken Materialized Views and CDC DTests?


On Nov 15, 2017, at 5:59 PM, Michael Kjellman 

yes - true- some are flaky, but almost all of the ones i filed fail 100% (💯) of 
the time. i look forward to triaging just the remaining flaky ones (hopefully - 
without powers combined - by the end of this month!!)

appreciate everyone’s help - no matter how small... i already personally did a 
few “fun” random-python-class-is-missing-return-after-method stuff.

we’ve wanted this for a while and now is our time to actually execute and make 
good on our previous dev list promises.


On Nov 15, 2017, at 5:45 PM, Jeff Jirsa 
<jji...@gmail.com<mailto:jji...@gmail.com><mailto:jji...@gmail.com>> wrote:

In lieu of a weekly wrap-up, here's a pre-Thanksgiving call for help.

If you haven't been paying attention to JIRA, you likely didn't notice that
Josh went through and triage/categorized a bunch of issues by adding
components, and Michael took the time to open a bunch of JIRAs for failing

How many is a bunch? Something like 35 or so just for tests currently
failing on trunk.  If you're a regular contributor, you already know that
dtests are flakey - it'd be great if a few of us can go through and fix a
few. Even incremental improvements are improvements. Here's an easy search
to find them:


If you're a new contributor, fixing tests is often a good way to learn a
new part of the codebase. Many of these are dtests, which live in a
different repo ( https://github.com/apache/cassandra-dtest ) and are in
python, but have no fear, the repo has instructions for setting up and
running dtests(
https://github.com/apache/cassandra-dtest/blob/master/INSTALL.md )

Normal contribution workflow applies: self-assign the ticket if you want to
work on it, click on 'start progress' to indicate that you're working on
it, mark it 'patch available' when you've uploaded code to be reviewed (in
a github branch, or as a standalone patch file attached to the JIRA). If
you have questions, feel free to email the dev list (that's what it's here

Many thanks will be given,
- Jeff

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