
Jolokia 'for instance) is making exposing MBean with Http so easy (with
"just"  a simple jar addition) that I think this is not really needed
within Cassandra

On 22 February 2018 at 09:10, Venkata Hari Krishna Nukala <
n.v.harikrishna.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I saw lots of information exposed through MBeans (like status, cfstats
> etc...). I feel exposing them like as API has few advantages like, it is
> more open (different types of clients can use) and more expressible for
> request and response.  Does the option of exposing such functionality
> through  API (REST) was considered at any point of time? Are there any
> advantages or compelling reasons to stick with MBeans?
> Thanks!

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