Does it have to be a single project with functionality provided by
multiple plugins? Designing a plugin API at this point seems to be a bit
early and comes with additional complexity around managing plugins in

I was more thinking into the direction of: "what can we do to enable
people to create any kind of side car or tooling solution?". Thinks like:

Common cluster discovery and management API
* Detect local Cassandra processes
* Discover and receive events on cluster topology
* Get assigned tokens for nodes
* Read node configuration
* Health checks (as already proposed)

Any side cars should be easy to install on nodes that already run Cassandra
* Scripts for packaging (tar, deb, rpm)
* Templates for systemd support, optionally with auto-startup dependency
on the Cassandra main process

Integration testing
* Provide basic testing framework for mocking cluster state and messages

Support for other languages / avoid having to use JMX
* JMX bridge (HTTP? gRPC?, already implemented in #14346?)

Obviously the whole side car discussion is not moving into a direction
everyone's happy with. Would it be an option to take a step back and
start implementing such a tooling framework with scripts and libraries
for the features described above, as a small GitHub project, instead of
putting an existing side-car solution up for vote? If that would work
and we get people collaborating on code shared between existing
side-cars, then we could take the next step and think about either
revisit the "official Cassandra side-car" topic, or add the created
client tooling framework as official sub-project to the Cassandra
project (maybe via Apache incubator).

On 08.09.18 02:49, Joseph Lynch wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 5:03 PM Jonathan Haddad <> wrote:
>> We haven’t even defined any requirements for an admin tool. It’s hard to
>> make a case for anything without agreement on what we’re trying to build.
> We were/are trying to sketch out scope/requirements in the #14395 and
> #14346 tickets as well as their associated design documents. I think
> the general proposed direction is a distributed 1:1 management sidecar
> process similar in architecture to Netflix's Priam except explicitly
> built to be general and pluggable by anyone rather than tightly
> coupled to AWS.
> Dinesh, Vinay and I were aiming for low amounts of scope at first and
> take things in an iterative approach with just enough upfront design
> but not so much we are unable to make any progress at all. For example
> maybe something like:
> 1. Get a super simple and non controversial sidecar process that ships
> with Cassandra and exposes a lightweight HTTP interface to e.g. some
> basic JMX endpoints
> 2a. Add a pluggable execution engine for cron/oneshot/scheduled jobs
> with the basic interfaces and state store and such
> 2b. Start scoping and implementing the full HTTP interface, e.g.
> backup status, cluster health status, etc ...
> 3a. Start integrating implementations of the jobs from 2a such as
> snapshot, backup, cluster restart, daemon + sstable upgrade, repair,
> etc
> 3b. Start integrating UI components that pair with the HTTP interface from 2b
> 4. ?? Perhaps start unlocking next generation operations like moving
> "background" activities like compaction, streaming, repair etc into
> one or more sidecar contained processes to ensure the main daemon only
> handles read+write requests
> There are going to be a lot of questions to answer, and I think trying
> to answer them all up front will mean that we get nowhere or make
> unfortunate compromises that cripple the project from the start. If
> people think we need to do more design and discussion than we have
> been doing then we can spend more time on the design, but personally
> I'd rather start iterating on code and prove value incrementally. If
> it doesn't work out we won't release it GA to the community ...
> -Joey
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