This was a terribly unclear email, sorry.  I was just trying to find new and 
interesting ways to say the same thing (that we should form our goal state from 
first principles only).

Anyway, I think we’ve been arguing very unnecessarily about this ideological 
point, given that I’ve already suggested a toggle to permit users to continue 
with present-day semantics should they choose.  Surely this resolves your 
concerns, unless you think this is intractable?

> On 22 Nov 2018, at 12:13, Benedict Elliott Smith <> wrote:
> This is why I said the decision is ideological.  We fundamentally disagree 
> with each other, on points of principle.
> This also feels like it’s becoming antagonistic, perhaps through 
> misinterpreting each other, which was far from my intent.  So I will limit my 
> reply to the only point of interpretation of my position.
> Given that I personally consider this to be an ideological or 
> project-axiomatic decision, I therefore only consider other ideological or 
> axiomatic facts to be relevant to a decision like this. So:
> 1) By “where appropriate” I mean, for instance, that this project will likely 
> never support ANSI SQL in toto, by virtue of the fundamental nature of the 
> project.
> 2) I agree that which standard we choose to follow, and why we follow it, are 
> both relevant questions
>> On 22 Nov 2018, at 11:56, Sylvain Lebresne <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 11:51 AM Benedict Elliott Smith <>
>> wrote:
>>> We’re not presently voting*; we’re only discussing, whether we should base
>>> our behaviour on a widely agreed upon standard.
>> Well, you *explicitely* asked if people though we should do a vote, and I
>> responded to that part. Let's not pretend I'm interpreting stuff, it's
>> insulting.
>>> I think perhaps the nub of our disagreement is that, in my view, this is
>>> the only relevant fact to decide. There is no data to base this decision
>>> upon.  It’s axiomatic, or ideological; procedural, not technical:  Do we
>>> think we should try to hew to standards (where appropriate), or do we think
>>> we should stick with what we arrived at in an adhoc manner?
>> Yes, that is probably the nub of our disagreement. I disagree that hewing
>> to standards is something we should agree on absolutely, with no other
>> consideration in the balance. Hell, I read your "where appropriate" as an
>> admission that you don't even truly think that. I think this is always a
>> pros versus cons analysis. Adhering to standards is certainly a pro.
>> *If* e were starting from scratch, I might maybe agree there isn't much
>> "cons" in the balance (there is always _some_ consideration though;
>> adhering to standard might force you into complexity that might not be
>> justified; not saying it's our case here, just pointing again that I don't
>> adhere to the absolutist view), making it an easy decision. So that I'm not
>> sure we'd even need a vote to agree that "we should try to hew to standards
>> (where appropriate)", even if we'd still want to discuss 1) if it is
>> appropriate in that case and 2) which standard, so it wouldn't even be a
>> "no data involved" decision.
>> But we're not starting from scratch. You explicitly say yourself that it
>> "extends to any features we have already released". So backward
>> compatibility is a parameter we imo *must* take into account. Again,
>> doesn't mean we don't end up breaking backward compatibility, just that it
>> is a non negligible downside, so we better make sure the "pros" of adhering
>> to a standard makes up for it.
>> So yes, I do pretty strongly disagree that adhering to a standard is
>> something that should be decided absolutely, with no other consideration
>> taken into account.
>>> and how meandering the discussion was with no clear consensus, it seemed
>>> to need a vote in the near future.
>> Fwiw, I also don't have the same read here. What I see on this thread is a
>> bit of discussion on the specific cast issue you initially brought,
>> discussion that didn't feel especially stuck to me, but I don't much on a
>> larger discussion on adhering to standards for all our arithmetic before
>> your suggestion a vote on it might be warranted.
>> --
>> Sylvain
>>>> On 22 Nov 2018, at 09:26, Sylvain Lebresne <> wrote:
>>>> I'm not saying "let's not do this no matter what and ever fix technical
>>>> debt", nor am I fearing decision.
>>>> But I *do* think decisions, technical ones at least, should be fact and
>>>> data driven. And I'm not even sure why we're talking of having a vote
>>> here.
>>>> The Apache Way is *not* meant to be primarily vote-driven, votes are
>>>> supposed to be a last resort when, after having debated facts and data,
>>> no
>>>> consensus can be reached. Can we have the debate on facts and data first?
>>>> Please.
>>>> At the of the day, I object to: "There are still a number of unresolved
>>>> issues, but to make progress I wonder if it would first be helpful to
>>> have
>>>> a vote on ensuring we are ANSI SQL 92 compliant for our arithmetic?".
>>> More
>>>> specifically, I disagree that such vote is a good starting point. Let's
>>>> identify and discuss the unresolved issues first. Let's check precisely
>>>> what getting our arithmetic ANSI SQL 92 compliant means and how we can
>>> get
>>>> it. I do support the idea of making such analysis btw, it would be good
>>>> data, but no vote is needed whatsoever to make it. Again, I object to
>>>> voting first and doing the analysis 2nd.
>>>> --
>>>> Sylvain
>>>> On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 1:25 AM Jonathan Haddad <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> I can’t agree more. We should be able to make changes in a manner that
>>>>> improves the DB In the long term, rather than live with the technical
>>> debt
>>>>> of arbitrary decisions made by a handful of people.
>>>>> I also agree that putting a knob in place to let people migrate over is
>>> a
>>>>> reasonable decision.
>>>>> Jon
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 4:54 PM Benedict Elliott Smith <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> The goal is simply to agree on a set of well-defined principles for how
>>>>> we
>>>>>> should behave.  If we don’t like the implications that arise, we’ll
>>> have
>>>>>> another vote?  A democracy cannot bind itself, so I never understood
>>> this
>>>>>> fear of a decision.
>>>>>> A database also has a thousand toggles.  If we absolutely need to, we
>>> can
>>>>>> introduce one more.
>>>>>> We should be doing this upfront a great deal more often.  Doing it
>>>>>> retrospectively sucks, but in my opinion it's a bad reason to bind
>>>>>> ourselves to whatever made it in.
>>>>>> Do we anywhere define the principles of our current behaviour?  I
>>>>> couldn’t
>>>>>> find it.
>>>>>>> On 21 Nov 2018, at 21:08, Sylvain Lebresne <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 5:02 PM Benedict Elliott Smith <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> FWIW, my meaning of arithmetic in this context extends to any
>>> features
>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>> have already released (such as aggregates, and perhaps other built-in
>>>>>>>> functions) that operate on the same domain.  We should be consistent,
>>>>>> after
>>>>>>>> all.
>>>>>>>> Whether or not we need to revisit any existing functionality we can
>>>>>> figure
>>>>>>>> out after the fact, once we have agreed what our behaviour should be.
>>>>>>> I'm not sure I correctly understand the process suggested, but I don't
>>>>>>> particularly like/agree with what I understand. What I understand is a
>>>>>>> suggestion for voting on agreeing to be ANSI SQL 92 compliant, with no
>>>>>> real
>>>>>>> evaluation of what that entails (at least I haven't seen one), and
>>> that
>>>>>>> this vote, if passed, would imply we'd then make any backward
>>>>>> incompatible
>>>>>>> change necessary to achieve compliance ("my meaning of arithmetic in
>>>>> this
>>>>>>> context extends to any features we have already released" and "Whether
>>>>> or
>>>>>>> not we need to revisit any existing functionality we can figure out
>>>>> after
>>>>>>> the fact, once we have agreed what our behaviour should be").
>>>>>>> This might make sense of a new product, but at our stage that seems
>>>>>>> backward to me. I think we owe our users to first make the effort of
>>>>>>> identifying what "inconsistencies" our existing arithmetic has[1] and
>>>>>>> _then_ consider what options we have to fix those, with their pros and
>>>>>> cons
>>>>>>> (including how bad they break backward compatibility). And if _then_
>>>>>>> getting ANSI SQL 92 compliant proves to not be disruptive (or at least
>>>>>>> acceptably so), then sure, that's great.
>>>>>>> [1]: one possibly efficient way to do that could actually be to
>>> compare
>>>>>> our
>>>>>>> arithmetic to ANSI SQL 92. Not that all differences found would imply
>>>>>>> inconsistencies/wrongness of our arithmetic, but still, it should be
>>>>>>> helpful. And I guess my whole point is that we should that analysis
>>>>>> first,
>>>>>>> and then maybe decide that being ANSI SQL 92 is a reasonable option,
>>>>> not
>>>>>>> decide first and live with the consequences no matter what they are.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Sylvain
>>>>>>>> I will make this more explicit for the vote, but just to clarify the
>>>>>>>> intention so that we are all discussing the same thing.
>>>>>>>>> On 20 Nov 2018, at 14:18, Ariel Weisberg <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>>>> This is a public API so we will be much better off if we get it
>>> right
>>>>>>>> the first time.
>>>>>>>>> Ariel
>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 16, 2018, at 10:36 AM, Jonathan Haddad <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Sounds good to me.
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 5:09 AM Benedict Elliott Smith <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> So, this thread somewhat petered out.
>>>>>>>>>>> There are still a number of unresolved issues, but to make
>>>>> progress I
>>>>>>>>>>> wonder if it would first be helpful to have a vote on ensuring we
>>>>> are
>>>>>>>> ANSI
>>>>>>>>>>> SQL 92 compliant for our arithmetic?  This seems like a sensible
>>>>>>>> baseline,
>>>>>>>>>>> since we will hopefully minimise surprise to operators this way.
>>>>>>>>>>> If people largely agree, I will call a vote, and we can pick up a
>>>>>>>> couple
>>>>>>>>>>> of more focused discussions afterwards on how we interpret the
>>>>> leeway
>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>> gives.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12 Oct 2018, at 18:10, Ariel Weisberg <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> From reading the spec. Precision is always implementation
>>> defined.
>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>> spec specifies scale in several cases, but never precision for any
>>>>>>>> type or
>>>>>>>>>>> operation (addition/subtraction, multiplication, division).
>>>>>>>>>>>> So we don't implement anything remotely approaching precision and
>>>>>>>> scale
>>>>>>>>>>> in CQL when it comes to numbers I think? So we aren't going to
>>>>> follow
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> spec for scale. We are already pretty far down that road so I
>>> would
>>>>>>>> leave
>>>>>>>>>>> it alone.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't think the spec is asking for the most approximate type.
>>>>> It's
>>>>>>>>>>> just saying the result is approximate, and the precision is
>>>>>>>> implementation
>>>>>>>>>>> defined. We could return either float or double. I think if one of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> operands is a double we should return a double because clearly the
>>>>>>>> schema
>>>>>>>>>>> thought a double was required to represent that number. I would
>>>>> also
>>>>>>>> be in
>>>>>>>>>>> favor of returning a double all the time so that people can expect
>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>> consistent type from expressions involving approximate numbers.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am a big fan of widening for arithmetic expressions in a
>>>>> database
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> avoid having to error on overflow. You can go to the trouble of
>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>> widening the minimum amount, but I think it's simpler if we always
>>>>>>>> widen to
>>>>>>>>>>> bigint and double. This would be something the spec allows.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Definitely if we can make overflow not occur we should and the
>>>>> spec
>>>>>>>>>>> allows that. We should also not return different types for the
>>> same
>>>>>>>> operand
>>>>>>>>>>> types just to work around overflow if we detect we need more
>>>>>> precision.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ariel
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 12, 2018, at 12:45 PM, Benedict Elliott Smith wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If it’s in the SQL spec, I’m fairly convinced.  Thanks for
>>>>> digging
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> out (and Mike for getting some empirical examples).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We still have to decide on the approximate data type to return;
>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>>>>>>> now, we have float+bigint=double, but float+int=float.  I think
>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fairly inconsistent, and either the approximate type should
>>>>> always
>>>>>>>> win,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or we should always upgrade to double for mixed operands.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The quoted spec also suggests that decimal+float=float, and
>>>>> decimal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +double=double, whereas we currently have decimal+float=decimal,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> decimal+double=decimal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we’re going to go with an approximate operand implying an
>>>>>>>>>>> approximate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> result, I think we should do it consistently (and consistent
>>> with
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SQL92 spec), and have the type of the approximate operand always
>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> return type.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This would still leave a decision for float+double, though.  The
>>>>>> most
>>>>>>>>>>>>> consistent behaviour with that stated above would be to always
>>>>> take
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> most approximate type to return (i.e. float), but this would
>>> seem
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be fairly unexpected for the user.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12 Oct 2018, at 17:23, Ariel Weisberg <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree with what's been said about expectations regarding
>>>>>>>> expressions
>>>>>>>>>>> involving floating point numbers. I think that if one of the
>>> inputs
>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>> approximate then the result should be approximate.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One thing we could look at for inspiration is the SQL spec. Not
>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> follow dogmatically necessarily.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From the SQL 92 spec regarding assignment
>>>>>>>>>>> section
>>>>>> 4.6:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Values of the data types NUMERIC, DECIMAL, INTEGER,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  FLOAT, REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION are numbers and are all
>>>>>>>>>>> mutually
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  comparable and mutually assignable. If an assignment would
>>>>>>>>>>> result
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  in a loss of the most significant digits, an exception
>>>>>>>> condition
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  is raised. If least significant digits are lost,
>>>>>>>> implementation-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  defined rounding or truncating occurs with no exception
>>>>>>>>>>> condition
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  being raised. The rules for arithmetic are generally
>>>>> governed
>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Subclause 6.12, "<numeric value expression>".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Section 6.12 numeric value expressions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  1) If the data type of both operands of a dyadic arithmetic
>>>>>>>>>>> opera-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     tor is exact numeric, then the data type of the result is
>>>>>>>>>>> exact
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     numeric, with precision and scale determined as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  2) If the data type of either operand of a dyadic arithmetic
>>>>>>>> op-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     erator is approximate numeric, then the data type of the
>>>>>> re-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     sult is approximate numeric. The precision of the result
>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     implementation-defined.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And this makes sense to me. I think we should only return an
>>>>> exact
>>>>>>>>>>> result if both of the inputs are exact.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think we might want to look closely at the SQL spec and
>>>>>> especially
>>>>>>>>>>> when the spec requires an error to be generated. Those are
>>>>> sometimes
>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>>>> spec to prevent subtle paths to wrong answers. Any time we deviate
>>>>>>>> from the
>>>>>>>>>>> spec we should be asking why is it in the spec and why are we
>>>>>>>> deviating.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Another issue besides overflow handling is how we determine
>>>>>>>> precision
>>>>>>>>>>> and scale for expressions involving two exact types.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ariel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 12, 2018, at 11:51 AM, Michael Burman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure if I would prefer the Postgres way of doing
>>>>> things,
>>>>>>>>>>> which is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> returning just about any type depending on the order of
>>>>>> operators.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Considering it actually mentions in the docs that using
>>>>>>>>>>> numeric/decimal is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slow and also multiple times that floating points are inexact.
>>>>> So
>>>>>>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some math with Postgres (9.6.5):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2147483647::bigint*1.0::double precision returns double
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precision 2147483647
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2147483647::bigint*1.0 returns numeric 2147483647.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2147483647::bigint*1.0::real returns double
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2147483647::double precision*1::bigint returns double
>>>>>>>>>>> 2147483647
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2147483647::double precision*1.0::bigint returns double
>>>>>>>>>>> 2147483647
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With + - we can get the same amount of mixture of returned
>>>>> types.
>>>>>>>>>>> There's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no difference in those calculations, just some casting. To me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> floating-point math indicates inexactness and has errors and
>>>>>>>> whoever
>>>>>>>>>>> mixes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up two different types should understand that. If one didn't
>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>>> exact
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numeric type, why would the server return such? The floating
>>>>>> point
>>>>>>>>>>> value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> itself could be wrong already before the calculation - trying
>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> say
>>>>>>>>>>> we do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it lossless is just wrong.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fun with 2.65:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2.65::real * 1::int returns double 2.65000009536743
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2.65::double precision * 1::int returns double 2.65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT round(2.65) returns numeric 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT round(2.65::double precision) returns double 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2.65 * 1 returns double 2.65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2.65 * 1::bigint returns numeric 2.65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2.65 * 1.0 returns numeric 2.650
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT 2.65 * 1.0::double precision returns double 2.65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT round(2.65) * 1 returns numeric 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT round(2.65) * round(1) returns double 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So as we're going to have silly values in any case, why
>>> pretend
>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> else? Also, exact calculations are slow if we crunch large
>>>>> amount
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numbers. I guess I slightly deviated towards Postgres'
>>>>>> implemention
>>>>>>>>>>> in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case, but I wish it wasn't used as a benchmark in this case.
>>>>> And
>>>>>>>> most
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> importantly, I would definitely want the exact same type
>>>>> returned
>>>>>>>>>>> each time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do a calculation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Micke
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 4:29 PM Benedict Elliott Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I can tell we reached a relatively strong consensus
>>>>>>>> that we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should implement lossless casts by default?  Does anyone have
>>>>>>>>>>> anything more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to add?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking at the emails, everyone who participated and
>>>>> expressed a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> preference was in favour of the “Postgres approach” of
>>>>> upcasting
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> decimal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for mixed float/int operands?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I’d like to get a clear-cut decision on this, so we know what
>>>>>>>> we’re
>>>>>>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for 4.0.  Then hopefully we can move on to a collective
>>>>> decision
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>> Ariel’s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concerns about overflow, which I think are also pressing -
>>>>>>>>>>> particularly for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tinyint and smallint.  This does also impact implicit casts
>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> mixed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> integer type operations, but an approach for these will
>>>>> probably
>>>>>>>>>>> fall out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of any decision on overflow.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 3 Oct 2018, at 11:38, Murukesh Mohanan <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think you're conflating two things here. There's the loss
>>>>>>>>>>> resulting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using some operators, and loss involved in casting. Dividing
>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>> integer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another integer to obtain an integer result can result in
>>>>> loss,
>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no implicit casting there and no loss due to casting.
>>>>> Casting
>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>> integer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to a float can also result in loss. So dividing an integer
>>>>> by a
>>>>>>>>>>> float,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example, with an implicit cast has an additional avenue for
>>>>>> loss:
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implicit cast for the operands so that they're of the same
>>>>>> type.
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this discussion so far has been about the latter, not the
>>>>> loss
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operations themselves.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 at 18:35 Benjamin Lerer <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to try to clarify things a bit to help people
>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> understand
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the true complexity of the problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The *float *and *double *types are inexact numeric types.
>>>>> Not
>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operation level.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you insert 676543.21 in a *float* column and then read
>>>>> it,
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realize that the value has been truncated to 676543.2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you want accuracy the only way is to avoid those inexact
>>>>>>>> types.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Using *decimals
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *during operations will mitigate the problem but will not
>>>>>> remove
>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not recall PostgreSQL behaving has described. If I am
>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> mistaken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PostgreSQL *SELECT 3/2* will return *1*. Which is similar
>>> to
>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>> MS SQL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server and Oracle do. So all thoses databases will lose
>>>>>>>> precision
>>>>>>>>>>> if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are not carefull.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you truly need precision you can have it by using exact
>>>>>>>> numeric
>>>>>>>>>>> types
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for your data types. Of course it has a cost on
>>> performance,
>>>>>>>>>>> memory and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disk usage.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The advantage of the current approach is that it give you
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up to you to decide what you need for your application. It
>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the way CQL behave everywhere else.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Muru
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