I don’t have any personal knowledge of the fix but out of interest I took a
look in Jira and it looks sounds to me like the behaviour was fixed here
(in 2.0.10): https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-6905


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On Thu, 20 Dec 2018 at 21:07, Morten Vejen Nielsen <mve...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> (Moved from user mailing list to here)
> I have found a statement in the Datastax documentation regarding CommitLog
> recovery that concerns me, namely:
> "*Restore stops when the first client-supplied timestamp is greater than
> the restore point timestamp. Because the order in which the database
> receives mutations does not strictly follow the timestamp order, this can
> leave some mutations unrecovered.*"
> From:
> https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/3.0/cassandra/configuration/configLogArchive.html
> Which to me means that point in time restore really doesn't guarantee point
> in time replay for the configured time. Since we expect to have mutations
> out of order in our setup.
> I conducted a few experiments on this myself by forcing my Cassandra
> instance to do CommitLog replay with changes ahead in time. But I was not
> able to reproduce this behavior.
> I used a fresh instance taken from the official Cassandra docker image to
> run the tests, so no changes to any configs was done other than setting the
> restore_point_in_time as specified below.
> I did the experiment as follows:
> --edit /etc/cassandra/commitlog_archiving.properties, set
> *restore_point_in_time* to something in the near future (lets say 2
> hours ahead of server-time)
> ssh into instance
> cqlsh
> create keyspace thezoo with replication =
> {'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':1};
> use thezoo;
> create table animal (id int primary key, name varchar);
> insert into animal (id, name) values (1, 'Bear1');insert into animal
> (id, name) values (2, 'Bear2');insert into animal (id, name) values
> (3, 'Bear3');insert into animal (id, name) values (4, 'Bear4');insert
> into animal (id, name) values (5, 'Bear5');insert into animal (id,
> name) values (6, 'Bear6');insert into animal (id, name) values (7,
> 'Bear7');insert into animal (id, name) values (8, 'Bear8');insert into
> animal (id, name) values (9, 'Bear9');insert into animal (id, name)
> values (10, 'Bear10');
> select id,name,writetime(name) from animal;
> --Add some to timestamp, and use this as future_timestamp, must be
> ahead of what was defined in commitlog config file
> insert into animal (id, name) values (11, 'DuckFromFuture') using
> timestamp <future_timestamp>
> insert into animal (id, name) values (12, 'Bird1');insert into animal
> (id, name) values (13, 'Bird2');insert into animal (id, name) values
> (14, 'Bird3');insert into animal (id, name) values (15,
> 'Bird4');insert into animal (id, name) values (16, 'Bird5');insert
> into animal (id, name) values (17, 'Bird6');insert into animal (id,
> name) values (18, 'Bird7');insert into animal (id, name) values (19,
> 'Bird8');insert into animal (id, name) values (20, 'Bird9');insert
> into animal (id, name) values (21, 'Bird10');
> --Now I simply forced the power off the machine held the power button
> down. And restarted
> --During startup verify that commitlog replay has been done in log
> ssh into instance and enter cqlsh
> cqlsh:thezoo> select * from animal;
> --Which shows all the bears and birds have been replayed but not the duck!
> I also did some digging in the Cassandra source code, and made the
> following findings:
> I think the code that skips mutations ahead of time is in CommitLogReplayer
> class:
> See lines: 194-195 (at the time of writing)
> if (commitLogReplayer.pointInTimeExceeded(mutation))
>        return;
> This code is triggerred from CommitLogReader, where readSection seems to be
> responsible for reading the commit logs, this is wrapped in a while loop,
> that just reads the file until EOF.
> See:
>  while (statusTracker.shouldContinue() && reader.getFilePointer() < end &&
> !reader.isEOF())
> This method is called file by file from CommitLog.recover to recover all
> commitlog segment files.
> And just a note statusTracker.shouldContinue will fail if
> statusTracker.requestTermination(); is called but I dont see this being the
> case for the pointInTimeExceeded case.
> I am a bit concerned if this is some hidden feature in Cassandra, and as
> such we might have to revise our backup strategies, if this is the case.
> However as far as I can see the Datastax documentation on this is simply
> wrong unfortunately the official documentation on this just seems to be
> work in progress.
> The fact that it doesn't do this is in fact a positive result for me as I
> would also expect the point-in-time to guarantee that all mutatations up
> until this point-in-time is in fact recovered.
> Can anyone confirm if this is just the documentation that is wrong or maybe
> if I did something wrong in my experiments.
> (For reference I also conducted some experiments with larger amount of data
> where the recovery went through multiple commitlog files, but I got the
> same results, namely that it recovered ALL records before
> restore_point_in_time.)
> Best regards
> Morten V. Nielsen

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