Hello project!

We're down to a single ticket blocking the beta 1 release, which is a huge
milestone. Thanks everyone for engaging and remaining patient while we
navigated this first major release process in quite awhile; we're learning
quite a bit and paving the way for a much smoother process in the future.
Further, there are a lot of points of view on the project and opinions
about the relative urgency of a release and how we balance things - thanks
everyone for engaging professionally and in good faith on these topics.

We have an apache blog post and some marketing materials that are refined
and largely approved by the pmc as of a couple days ago (this is one of the
few things we plan to keep to private discussion as recommended by the
ASF), and Melissa, Constantia et. al. are currently working on getting
interviews set up with a variety of journalists over the next week or so
about the beta, with a focus on a call to action for users to grab the beta
and test it out. I propose we hold off on cutting and releasing the beta in
favor of coordinating with those efforts to maximize the impact we have on
timing of this beta release.

Any concerns or hesitations with this approach?


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