This sounds eminently sensible to me.

On 09/10/2020, 19:42, "Joshua McKenzie" <> wrote:

    Fair point on uncertainties and delaying decisions until strictly required
    so we have more data.

    I want to nuance my earlier proposal and what we document (sorry for the
    multiple messages; my time is fragmented enough these days that I only have
    thin slices to engage w/stuff like this).

    I think we should do a "From → To" model for both testing and supporting
    upgrades and have a point of view as a project for each currently supported
    version of C* in the "From" list. Specifically - we test and recommend the
    following paths:

       1. 2.1 → 3.0 → 4.0
       2. 3.0 → 4.0 (subset of 1)
       3. 3.11 → 4.0

    There's no value whatsoever in hopping through an interim version if a
    leapfrog is expected to be as tested and stable. The only other alternative
    would be to recommend 2.1 → 3.11 → 4.0 (as Mick alluded to) but that just
    exposes to more deltas from the tick-tock .X line for no added value as you

    We could re-apply the "from-to" testing and support model in future
    releases w/whatever is supported at that time. That way users will be able
    to have a single source of truth on what the project recommends and vets
    for going from wherever they are to the latest.

    On Fri, Oct 09, 2020 at 12:05 PM, Benedict Elliott Smith <> wrote:

    > There is a sizeable cohort of us who I expect to be primarily focused on
    > 3.0->4.0, so if you have a cohort focusing primarily on 3.11->4.0 I think
    > we'll be in good shape.
    > For all subsequent major releases, we test and officially support only 1
    > major back
    > I think we should wait to see what happens before committing ourselves to
    > something like this - things like release cadence etc will matter a lot.
    > That is *definitely* not to say that I disagree with you, just that I 
    > more project future-context is needed to make a decision like this. I
    > expect we'll have lots more fun (hopefully positive) conversations around
    > topics like this in the coming year, as I have no doubt we all want to
    > evolve our approach to releases, and there's no knowing what we'll end up
    > deciding (we have done some crazy things in the past __ ).
    > On 09/10/2020, 16:46, "Joshua McKenzie" <> wrote:
    > I think it's a clean and simple heuristic for the project to say "you can
    > safely upgrade to adjacent major versions".
    > The difficulty we face with 3.0 is that it has made many contributors very
    > wary of pre 4.0 code and with good reason. Your point about conservative
    > users upgrading later in a cycle resonates Benedict, and reflects on the
    > confidence we should or should not have in 3.11. I think it's also
    > important to realize that many cluster upgrades can take months, so it's
    > not a transient exposure to unknowns in a release.
    > I propose the following compromise:
    > 1. For 4.0 GA, we consider the following upgrade paths "tested and
    > supported": 2.1 → 3.0 → 3.11 → 4.0, and 2.1 → 3.0 → 4.0
    > 2. For all subsequent major releases, we test and officially support only
    > 1 major back
    > 3. Any contributor can optionally meet whatever bar we set for "tested and
    > supported" to allow leapfrogging versions, but we won't constrain GA on
    > that.
    > We have to pay down our debt right now, but if we have to continue to do
    > this in the future we're not learning from our mistakes.
    > Speaking for DataStax, we don't have enough resources to work through the
    > new testing work on 40_quality_test, the defects that David is surfacing
    > like crazy (well done!), and validating 2 major upgrade paths. If you and 
    > set of contributors could take on the 3.0 → 4.0 path Benedict, that'd be a
    > great help. I also assume we could all collaborate on the tooling / infra 
    > approaches we use for this validation so it wouldn't be a complete 
    > On Fri, Oct 09, 2020 at 11:02 AM, Benedict Elliott Smith < benedict@
    >> wrote:
    > Since email is very unclear and context gets lost, I'm personally OK with
    > officially supporting all of these upgrade paths, but the spectre was
    > raised that this might lead to lost labour due to an increased support
    > burden. My view is that 3.0->4.0 is probably a safer upgrade path for 
    > and as a result a lower support cost to the project, so I would be happy 
    > deprecate 3.0->3.11 if this helps alleviate the concerns of others that
    > this would be costly to the project. Alternatively, if we want to support
    > both but some feel 3.0->4.0 is burdensome, I would be happy to focus on
    > 3.0->4.0 while they focus on the paths I would be happy to deprecate.
    > On 09/10/2020, 15:49, "Benedict Elliott Smith" <>
    > wrote:
    > Yeah, and perhaps even drop 2.1 (2.2) -> 3.11 when 4.0 appears.
    > I think there's anyway a big difference between supported and encouraged.
    > I think we should encourage 2.1->3.0->4.0, while maintaining support for
    > 2.2->3.0 and 3.0->3.11 for critical bugs only, and 3.11->4.0 in the normal
    > way given the userbase that is already on 3.11.
    > we can expect it to be *stable enough to upgrade through*
    > I don't know that this is true at all. Most bugs are not found by the
    > general userbase, and the most conservative (hence most likely to spot
    > problems on upgrade) are generally very late to the party. 2.1(2.2)->3.0 
    > still discovering bugs today, many years after this metric was passed for
    > 3.0 - largely as the more sophisticated users upgrade.
    > On 09/10/2020, 15:40, "Marcus Eriksson" <> wrote:
    > My suggestion for "supported" upgrade paths would be;
    > 2.1 (2.2) -> 3.0 -> 4.0
    > 2.1 (2.2) -> 3.11 -> 4.0
    > and drop support for 3.0 -> 3.11 when we release 4.0
    > /Marcus
    > On 9 October 2020 at 16:12:12, Joshua McKenzie (
    > wrote:
    > Some data that I believe is relevant here.
    > Numerically it's safe to assume there's over 10,000 ASF C* clusters out in
    > the world (5,500 in China alone). In surveys (both informal polling and
    > primary research), at least 1/3rd of folks are running the 3.X latest if I
    > recall correctly.
    > Basic conclusions we can draw from these data points:
    > 1) There are thousands of clusters running some form of post 3.0, so we
    > can expect it to be *stable enough to upgrade through*
    > 2) We have to support at least 3.11 → 4.0
    > If 1/3rd of our users are running 2.1, 1/3rd 3.0, and 1/3rd 3.11
    > (hand-waving, probably more in the 25 vs. 40 etc but splitting hairs),
    > there's clearly a significant value-add in usability of skipping majors
    > (3.0->4.0). Depending on how we define "done" and "supported" for upgrade
    > testing, this will represent a significant development burden.
    > From a *functional MVP* perspective on what upgrade paths we need to
    > support, the absolute minimum would be 2.1 → 3.0 → 3.11 → 4.0
    > If anyone wants to step in and officially support the 3.0 → 4.0 line,
    > that's fantastic both for the project community and for users. But as far
    > as basic table stakes, I can't think of a logical reason 3.0 → 4.0 as an
    > upgraded path should be considered a blocker for releasing 4.0 GA.
    > On Fri, Oct 09, 2020 at 9:53 AM, Mick Semb Wever wrote:
    > At The Last Pickle we have always recommended avoiding 3.0, including
    > upgrading from 2.2 directly to 3.11.
    > We (now DataStax) will continue to recommend that folk upgrade to the
    > latest 3.11 before upgrading to 4.0.
    > To clarify that^, if it wasn't obvious, I wasn't making a statement about
    > DataStax at at large, but about those of us at TLP and now the team
    > providing the consulting for Apache Cassandra from DataStax.
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