Good day everyone. This is a 4.0 status email. One week since the last

Jira board with 4.0 scope:

High level numbers by release phase:

Alpha: 1 (-0 from last update); It’s close, with Mick nearing end of review
on the prerequisite test changes

Beta: 64 (+9); 38 in-flight

RC: 21 (+1);

Revising some high level metrics on the release:
Total tickets in 4.0: 1505
Remaining tickets represent 5.6% of total scope (increasing)

Created vs. resolved did NOT trend positively:

Tickets increased this week, mostly due to broken tests being decomposed
into individual tickets, There have also been a number of things stalled in

Where you can help:

* One thing I wanted to call attention to are the numerous tickets sitting
in review which are apparently approved. We will look forward to getting
those in as time allows to avoid having to scan past.

* Each filter referenced below depends on accurate assignments in Jira. In
addition to actively assigning something you’re working on, it would also
be helpful to review and unassign (both Reviewer and Assignee) things that
you have assigned but may not be able to work on in the release timeline.
Here’s a query to check that for yourself:!%3D%20resolved)%20and%20(assignee%20%3D%20currentUser()%20or%20reviewer%20%3D%20currentUser()%20or%20reviewers%20%3D%20currentUser())%20

*Needs Reviewer:

1 Beta and 1 RC issues are awaiting review without reviewers.
Timely reviews here obviously keep things flowing, and help by keeping the
changes fresh in the patch contributor’s mind.

*No assignee:
14 Beta and 4 RC issues

Lots of new broken test tickets. Please take a look and see if it’s within
your capacity to take any of these on:

*Test analysis and shepherding. We possibly have a fair amount of
unaccounted scope in the Quality/Test tickets that have not been analyzed
and expanded into subtasks.

Anything we can do to expedite that will give us a better picture of what’s
left, as well as allow us to parallelize test creation. Good examples of
those that have been broken down are the metrics and tooling areas:

There are numerous similar tickets remaining.

*Tickets stalled for a week:
1 alpha, 18 beta, 14 GA

Please let us know on the thread if I have missed anything that needs
attention. I encourage anyone to respond to these reports calling attention
to any localized things that could use it.

As always thanks to everyone for the continued hard work on the project.

-Adam Holmberg

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