Greetings. Here’s your look at Cassandra 4.0 release status for the week --
this one with 300% more exclamation points! Seven days since last update.

Jira board with 4.0 scope:

High level numbers by release phase:

Beta: 0! (-2); This week the project bottomed out on known blocking flaws!
The only thing ahead of an RC resolving the remaining flaky tests, and
getting a clean CI run.

RC: 20 (-18); 14 in-flight; in addition to plenty of good progress on
tickets in scope, some of the open-ended quality tickets were discussed and
moved to post-4.0.

Top-level metrics:

Total tickets in 4.0: 1609 (+1)

Remaining tickets represent 1.2% of total scope

Created vs. resolved trended solidly positive on this interval.

Where you can help:

* We’ve bottomed out on known flaws ahead of RC. There are flaky tests
keeping us from clean CI. Any time spent Investigating and stabilizing
tests is appreciated.

*Needs Reviewer:

1 RC tickets up for review with no reviewer

*No assignee:


*Tickets stalled for a week:

5 GA tickets stalled. The stall trend continues to diminish. More than half
of the stalled tickets have moved since last week.

Please let us know on the thread if I have missed anything that needs
attention. I encourage anyone to respond to these reports calling attention
to any localized things that could use it.

As always thanks to everyone for the continued hard work on the project.

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