I'm worried that by the time a consensus is reached, the people who originally purposed the CEP may have long lost their passion about it and may no longer willing to contribute.

On 15/10/2021 16:55, Benjamin Lerer wrote:
Reaching consensus is hard but we will get there :-)

Le ven. 15 oct. 2021 à 17:33, Mick Semb Wever <m...@apache.org> a écrit :

I have reviewed CEP-15 and I must say, I'm excited to see its inclusion
into mainline Cassandra, and I'm disheartened to see what appears to be
unsubstantiated veto of the proposal from the committee's leadership.

the Accord paper and CEP-15 has indeed generated a lot of excitement in the

But please don't misinterpret what vetoes are. Cassandra 4.0 (from RCs) was
vetoed four times before it got released, every veto was important and in
support of 4.0.0 out and appreciated by all. No one doubted that 4.0.0
wasn't about to come out.

The ASF community has a precedence for seeking consensus, and valuing
community over code. The latter point is a touchy topic, wide open to
different opinions about what constitutes a healthy and inclusive community
both in the short and long term. In my opinion, rushing people never helps,
bear with us and we will get there and get there together. And I believe we
will have some valuable retrospectives from current threads to help us
become even better at what we do.

kind regards,

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