It only works if the output is for human to read. If you have a large number of servers, very often you want to do "grep -q ... && other_command" (or || other_command), or chaining the grep results frin parallel-ssh into another command (grep or sort). The -A/-B/-C switches will not work in this case. If the nested configurations have multiple keys with the same name (e.g.: a dictionary where the values are very similar dictionaries), even chaining 3 grep commands in the form of "grep -A ... | grep -B ... | grep -q ... " is unlikely to work.

Structured / nested config is easier for human eyes to read but very hard for simple scripts to handle. Flat config is harder for human eyes but easy for simple scripts. I can see user may prefer one over another depending on their own use case. If the structured / nested config must be introduced, I would like to see both syntaxes supported to allow the user to make their own choice.

On 24/11/2021 16:21, Henrik Ingo wrote:
Grepping is an important use case, and having worked with another database
that does nest its configs, I can offer some tips how I survived:

With good old grep, it can help to use the before and after options:

grep -A 5 track_warnings | grep -B 5 warn_threshold

Would find you this:

     enabled: true
         warn_threshold: 10kb

It would require magic expert knowledge to guess right numbers for -A and
-B but in many cases you could just use a large number like 9999 and it
will work in most cases.

For more frequent use, you will want to just install `yq` (aka yaml query):


On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 9:07 PM Stefan Miklosovic <> wrote:

Hi David,

while I do not oppose nested structure, it is really handy to grep
cassandra.yaml on some config key and you know the value instantly.
This is not possible when it is nested (easily & fastly) as it is on
two lines. Or maybe my grepping is just not advanced enough to cover
this case? If it is flat, I can just grep "track_warnings" and I have
them all.

Can you elaborate on your last bullet point? Parsing layer ... What do
you mean specifically?


On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 at 19:36, David Capwell <> wrote:
This has been brought up in a few tickets, so pushing to the dev list.

CASSANDRA-15234 - Standardise config and JVM parameters
CASSANDRA-16896 - hard/soft limits for queries
CASSANDRA-17147 - Guardrails prototype

In short, do we as a project wish to move "new features" into nested
YAML when the feature has "enough" to justify the nesting?  I would
really like to focus this discussion on new features rather than
retroactively grouping (leaving that to CASSANDRA-15234), as there is
already a place to talk about that.

To get things started, let's start with the track-warning feature
(hard/soft limits for queries), currently the configs look as follows
(assuming 15234)

     enabled: true
         warn_threshold: 10kb
         abort_threshold: 1mb
         warn_threshold: 10kb
         abort_threshold: 1mb
         warn_threshold: 100mb
         abort_threshold: 1gb

or should this be "flat"

track_warnings_enabled: true
track_warnings_coordinator_read_size_warn_threshold: 10kb
track_warnings_coordinator_read_size_abort_threshold: 1mb
track_warnings_local_read_size_warn_threshold: 10kb
track_warnings_local_read_size_abort_threshold: 1mb
track_warnings_row_index_size_warn_threshold: 100mb
track_warnings_row_index_size_abort_threshold: 1gb

For me I prefer nested for a few reasons
* easier to enforce consistency as the configs can use shared types;
in the track warnings patch I had mismatches cross configs (warn vs
warns, fail vs abort, etc.) before going nested, now everything reuses
the same types
* even though it is longer, things can be more clear how they are related
* parsing layer can add support for mixed or purely flat depending on
user preference (example:
track_warnings.row_index_size.abort_threshold, using the '.' notation
to represent nested structures)


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