Sorry for the miss last week; it being a holiday in the US meant I was on
the road managing tiny humans and a puppy with my partner and I failed to
hand off update email responsibility to someone else. Which means we have
three weeks to cover!

[New contributor Getting Started]
As a new contributor we recommend starting in one of two places: Failing
tests, or starter tickets we label "lhf" (low hanging fruit).

Failing tests:
Unassigned starter tickets:

Holding steady at 22 failing ticket JIRA's in the past few weeks. More on
CI trends below with the new Butler tool below.

For unassigned lhf, we're up from 11 to 12 on 4.0.2 (our next minor
release) and holding steady at 14 on 4.1.0 (our next major release). We
have a selection of people who have volunteered to be mentors; feel free to
reach out to any of us if you have any questions on where to get started or
just self-select from either of these above lists (list of mentor names can
easily be seen here for now:

[Dev list conversations]
In the past 3 weeks we've had some pretty interesting conversations surface
and evolve.

First off and quite exciting: Butler was introduced by a collection of
contributors which helps us both see the current state of our CI across
multiple branches as well as look more deeply into the failure rates of
individual tests. The url to access this system is here:

CEP-3 for Guardrails discussion closed up, was voted on, and passed the
JIRA ticket: Really
excited to see how this work evolves.

CEP-17 for the SSTable format API was also voted on and the vote passed.,
JIRA ticket: Curious
to see what various approaches to SSTables and persistence this eventually

We had a good discussion on mentoring and how to introduce new members to
the project - that thread can be found here: A lot of
folks came forward volunteering to mentor new contributors to the project
and we're working on making that list visible on the site, project, etc.
Expect to see more on this front as the infra changes take place.

A lively discussion is still going on around encryption at rest of SSTables
within Cassandra. There
were multiple calls to the question of whether this ought to become its own
CEP since it's a complex topic with a lot of tradeoffs.

Benjamin hit the list talking about some of the pain points he and some
other contributors have seen regarding inserting into collections on
contended partitions ( There's
some work that's been put together by Benedict back in early 2020 that
makes a substantial improvement in this area (warning: understatement of
the week) and the question's up as to whether or not we want to include
this in 4.0 or in 4.1. There's no clear right or wrong here; would
definitely like to see more opinions on this relatively new thread.

We have an ongoing discussion about YAML config, nesting vs. flat, how
other projects do it, you name it. Another one of those "no obvious right
answer" kind of situations; if you've been holding off on the topic thus
far and have an opinion informed by experience, please chime in!

And last but not least (non-inclusive; busy three weeks): Benjamin put out
the call for a "get new contributors involved" advent calendar of tickets
in December ( While
our LHF pool is pretty loosely curated at this point, there's a lot of
potential here so if you can lend a hand please reach out to Benjamin.

[CI Trends]
New and flashy in this issue: what's going on with our CI? Well, a lot:

First off, we actually _have_ butler now, which not only shows us trends
for each branch but also allows you to see detailed results of which tests
are consistently failing, which flaking, etc. While trunk is in a bit
better of a state now than early November, 4.0 saw a pretty drastic jump to
45+ failures about a week ago. Builds 294 and 295 look to be having
something systemic going on with them w/a variety of environmental errors
(I/O, renaming file failures, etc):

I started another another email thread a bit ago about keeping a releasable
trunk; expect to see something on the list in the next week or two about
concrete steps that came out of that discussion that we can take to try and
mitigate this regression cycle.

[Release progress]

4.0.2 Progress:
10 issues closed out on 4.0.2 in the past few weeks. Nothing too disruptive
which is what we like to see; some tidying of config, error propagation,
and flaky failure fixes.

4.1.0 Progress:
4.1.0 saw some additions in pursuit of CEP-10 and paxos support for the
simulator. Other than that, some bits here and there; pretty quiet three
weeks from a code perspective.

This ebb in velocity isn't surprising going into the fall holiday season;
we can probably expect to see things pick back up in early 2022.

And that's a wrap for the past three weeks. Thanks everyone for the
passionate and professional engagement on the project!


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