Overloading fixVersion shouldn't be a problem. IIRC you can:

- bulk update

- Merge versions: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-work-management/docs/view-and-manage-a-projects-versions/#Merge-versions

We just need the permissions for jira to allow us to do it.


On 10/5/22 3:02, Mick Semb Wever wrote:

    Thus anything unresolved flagged 4.1-alpha would be a blocker for
    that, same for beta and rc. When the tickets are closed, we switch
    them to FixVersion 4.1; I don't see there being much value in
    knowing in the future if a ticket is fixed during the alpha, beta,
    or rc phases by using the above as resolved FixVersions.

Users might want to know this distinction?
Do we want parity between CHANGES.txt and jira fixVersions?

    This approach potentially breaks down if we have any final
    blockers on 4.1 ga, but could just cycle through 4.1-rc until it's
    all clear.

What do we do for a blocker to any other version, e.g. say there's a blocker to 4.0.5? (As has been discussed on slack, the priority and severity fields don't really work for us here.)

> We have done similar in the past and if something is a blocker it means it will be in that version before it is released

Jeremiah, around when was this? I can see that it makes sense (works in theory), but trying to correct fixVersions in jira post release can be quite the headache, without having to reach out to people to understand if something is intentional or a mistake. So long as there's a way to bulk change issues after a release I am happy.

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