Ivy is actually how we got to MAT:

Kind Regards,

On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 3:33 PM Derek Chen-Becker <de...@chen-becker.org> wrote:
> Sorry, I put a comment about this in the PR before seeing this. I think if 
> Ivy fits better with Ant, is more compact, and can do everything that we were 
> using MAT for, then that's a reasonable path forward. I don't think Ivy 
> syntax for dependencies will be foreign to anyone familiar with Maven.
> Derek
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 2:03 PM Mick Semb Wever <m...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Rehashing some of the aspects raised by the PR…
>>> 1. Is it worth addressing this CVE and retired dependency with changes to 
>>> our build system, or should we suppress it?
>> If we are not exposed to the CVE then it should be considered suppressed.
>> While this might address (remove) the urgency of the matter, it is not an 
>> argument against replacing and improving a deprecated and unmaintained 
>> dependency.
>>> 2. Are there more alternatives to Maven Ant Tasks that should be 
>>> considered, like Ivy?
>> The question here is… If we are to replace MARAT, then *what* dependency 
>> framework/format do we want to work with moving forward?
>> The choices are:
>>  - maven
>>  - ivy
>>  - gradle
>> Note this is ONLY for dependency management, and is only about the 
>> replacement for this section: 
>> https://github.com/apache/cassandra/blob/315a1a7/build.xml#L507-L873
>> It is a requirement that whatever framework/format we choose it can 
>> generated into the pom(s) we publish via repository.apache.org
>> For example maven pom files would be used directly, ivy could use the 
>> `makepom` command and gradle the `maven-publish` plugin.
>> Ivy and Gradle provide more compact dependency declarations, Ivy fits in 
>> better with Ant, and most are familiar with Maven (and it would avoid the 
>> generation step).
>> What is the best fit for us moving forward?
> --
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
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