Why are we still debating build tooling? I think you’re wrong, but I’ve
conceded - on the assumption that we can get enough volunteers willing to
adopt responsibility for the new world order.

Not debating. I am just throwing in my support since I have been in the
Camp of Ant.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 1:29 AM Benedict <bened...@apache.org> wrote:

> Why are we still debating build tooling? I think you’re wrong, but I’ve
> conceded - on the assumption that we can get enough volunteers willing to
> adopt responsibility for the new world order.
> I suggest five long term contributors nominate themselves as the build
> file maintainers, and collectively manage a safe and painless migration for
> the rest of us - and agree to maintain and develop the new build file going
> forwards, and support the community as they adopt it.
> On the topic of over-exuberant linting I will continue to push back. I
> think linting our brace rules could make sense since they are atypical, but
> more formatting rules than this likely just leads to atrophying style.
> Authorship involves thinking about how to present your code; I don’t want
> to either encourage lazy authorship or prevent experimentation with
> presentation. Both would be bad, and I expect we would struggle to evolve
> our style guide again in future as the language evolves. Our brace rules
> are a good example everyone unilaterally ignored when lambdas arrived, as
> we all recognised they materially harmed the brevity benefits, and we
> eventually codified this.
> On migration: auto formatters applied to code that was not written with
> the rules in mind will almost unerringly be made a mess of, so having a
> tool do this is not acceptable IMO.
> The idea of checkstyle being the source of truth continues to be untenable
> and anyone still pushing for this should please engage with my earlier
> points on this.
> On 30 Nov 2022, at 04:06, Patrick McFadin <pmcfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm going to +1 what Stefan has said. I've heard on many occasions from
> newcomers to the project that having to use Ant is a deterrent. As a matter
> of fact, a few weeks ago, I spent a Sunday afternoon helping somebody
> trying to build Cassandra and Ant caused a ton of problems. "Ok. ant really
> super clean this time"
> Sure it still works for people that have been doing this for years. I
> drive a 20 year old Toyota truck, but I'm reminded by my kids often that
> it's not cool. So in that spirit, I feel my saying we need to keep Ant is
> like saying "You kids get off my lawn!" If it's something that will help
> attract new contributors, I'm all for it.
> Patrick
> On Fri, Nov 25, 2022 at 2:22 AM Miklosovic, Stefan <
> stefan.mikloso...@netapp.com> wrote:
>> I agree with what you wrote. How I understand it is that migrating to
>> Maven/Gradle makes the project more "attractive" for newcomers. If a
>> project is built on "that old un-cool Ant", it might be a little bit
>> off-putting and questionable if we are "stuck in the past on build systems
>> and not progressing".
>> So in that sense I agree this is more "marketing" rather than
>> technological question but on the other hand, does not Maven/Gradle allow
>> us to modularize the project better? Maybe we would like to modularize but
>> nobody is up to that because build system makes it impossible or at least
>> quite inconvenient to do so. Do you really think there are not any
>> significant benefits to switch even if it "just works" now?
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Benedict <bened...@apache.org>
>> Sent: Friday, November 25, 2022 11:07
>> To: dev@cassandra.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] Cassandra's code style and source code analysis
>> NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or
>> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is
>> safe.
>> There’s always a handful of people asking for it, but notably few if any
>> of the full time contributors doing the majority of the core development of
>> Cassandra. It strikes me as something very appealing to others, but less so
>> to those wanting to get on with development.
>> I never really see a good argument articulated for the migration, besides
>> general hand waving that ant is old, and people like newer build systems.
>> Ant is working fine, so there isn’t a strong technical reason to replace
>> it, and there are good organisational reasons not to.
>> Why do you consider a migration inevitable?
>> > On 25 Nov 2022, at 09:58, Miklosovic, Stefan <
>> stefan.mikloso...@netapp.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Interesting take on Ant / no-Ant, Benedict. I am very curious how this
>> unfolds. My long-term perception is that changing it to something else is
>> more or less inevitable but if there is a broader consensus to not do that
>> .... well.
>> >
>> > ________________________________________
>> > From: Benedict <bened...@apache.org>
>> > Sent: Friday, November 25, 2022 10:52
>> > To: dev@cassandra.apache.org
>> > Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] Cassandra's code style and source code
>> analysis
>> >
>> > NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links
>> or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is
>> safe.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I was in a bit of a rush last night. I should say that I’m of course +1
>> a general endeavour to clean this up, and to expand our use of linters, and
>> I appreciate your volunteering to help out in this way Maxim.
>> >
>> > However, responding to Stefan, I’m pretty -1 migrating from ant to
>> another build system without really good reason. Migration has a real cost
>> to productivity for all existing contributors, and the phantom of
>> increasing new contributions has never paid off historically. I’m all for
>> easing people into participation, but not at penalty to the existing
>> contributor base.
>> >
>> > If the only reason is to make it easier to open in a different IDE, we
>> can perhaps have some basic build files outlining code structure for
>> importing, that are compatible with our canonical ant build? We could
>> perhaps even generate them.
>> >
>> >
>> >> On 25 Nov 2022, at 09:35, Miklosovic, Stefan <
>> stefan.mikloso...@netapp.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> For the record, I was testing that same combo Claude mentioned and it
>> did not work out of the box but it is definitely possible to set up
>> successfully. I do not remember the details.
>> >>
>> >> To replay to Maxim, it all seems good to me, roughly, but I humbly
>> think it all boils down to Maven/Gradle refactoring and on top of that we
>> can do all else.
>> >>
>> >> For example, there is (1) where the solution, besides fixing the
>> tests, is to introduce an Ant task which would check this on build. That
>> being said, how is that going to look like when we change Ant for something
>> else? That stuff suddenly becomes obsolete.
>> >>
>> >> This case maybe applies to other problems we want to solve as well. I
>> do not want to do something tailored for one build system just to rewrite
>> it all or to spend significant amount of time on that again when we switch
>> the build system.
>> >>
>> >> For that reason I think changing Ant for something else should be top
>> priority (as I understand that it the hot topic for community for very long
>> time) and then everything else should follow. We should spend time on
>> things mentioned only in case they do not collide with any build system at
>> all.
>> >>
>> >> (1) https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-17964
>> >>
>> >> Stefan
>> >>
>> >> ________________________________________
>> >> From: Claude Warren, Jr via dev <dev@cassandra.apache.org>
>> >> Sent: Friday, November 25, 2022 10:16
>> >> To: dev@cassandra.apache.org
>> >> Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] Cassandra's code style and source code
>> analysis
>> >>
>> >> NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links
>> or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is
>> safe.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> +1 for the concept as a whole.  I am certain I could find nits to pick
>> if I looked deeply.
>> >>
>> >> @mck -- I did have a problem with Cassandra + Eclipse + Java11
>> (Classpath).  I gave up and am spending time trying to learn IntelliJ.  I
>> also mentioned it in one of the discussion areas.
>> >>
>> >> Claude
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, Nov 24, 2022 at 8:55 PM Mick Semb Wever <m...@apache.org
>> <mailto:m...@apache.org>> wrote:
>> >> Thank you for a solid write up Maxim. And welcome to Cassandra, it's
>> >> very positive to see you here.
>> >>
>> >> I whole-heartedly agree with nearly everything you write. Some input
>> >> and questions inline.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>> As you may know, the infrastructure team has disabled public sign-up
>> >>> to ASF JIRA (the GitHub issues are recommended instead).
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I suspect (based on chatter in general, but not on dev@ AFAIK) is to
>> >> avoid GH issues and stick with jira. The sign-up hurdle we will
>> >> document on the website: CASSANDRA-18064
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> == 1. Make the checkstyle config a single point of truth for the
>> >>> source code style. ==
>> >>>
>> >>> The checkstyle is already used and included in the Cassandra project
>> >>> build lifecycle (ant command line, Jenkins, CircleCI). There is no
>> >>> need to maintain code style configurations for different types of IDEs
>> >>> (e.g. IntelliJ inspections configuration) since the checkstyle.xml
>> >>> file can be directly imported to IDE used by a developer. This is fair
>> >>> for Intellij Idea, NetBeans, and Eclipse.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Big +1
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> So, I propose to focus on the checks themselves and checking pull
>> >>> requests with automation scripts, rather than maintaining these
>> >>> integrations. The benefits here are avoiding all issues with
>> >>> maintaining configurations for different IDEs. Another good advantage
>> >>> of this approach would be the ability to add new checkstyle rules
>> >>> without touching IDE configuration - and such tickets will be LFH and
>> >>> easy to commit.
>> >>>
>> >>> The actions points here are:
>> >>>
>> >>> - create an umbrella JIRA ticket for all checkstyle issues e.g. [8]
>> >>> (or label checkstyle);
>> >>> - add checkstyle to GitHub pull requests using GitHub actions (execute
>> >>> ant command);
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Instead of custom GHA scripting, please use our existing
>> >> cassandra-artifact.sh (which should already include all such checks).
>> >>
>> >> Something like
>> https://github.com/apache/cassandra/compare/cassandra-3.11...thelastpickle:cassandra:mck/github-actions/3.11
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> == 3. Enable pushing backwards build results for both Jenkins and
>> >>> CircleCI to GitHub pull requests. ==
>> >>>
>> >>> The goal here is to have a "green checkbox" for those GitHub pull
>> >>> requests that have corresponding Jenkins/CircleCI runs. According to
>> >>> the following links, it is completely possible to have those.
>> >>>
>> >>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/github-branch-source-plugin
>> >>> https://circleci.com/docs/enable-checks/
>> >>>
>> >>> Moreover, the GitHub Branch Source Plugin is already enabled for the
>> >>> Cassandra project [16]. The same seems should work the same way for
>> >>> CirleCI, but I have faced the infrastructure team comment [17] that
>> >>> describes admin permissions are required for that, so the question is
>> >>> still open here. I could dig a bit more once we've agreed on it.
>> >>>
>> >>> The actions points here are:
>> >>> - enable Jenkins integration for GitHub pull requests;
>> >>> - enable CircleCI integration for GitHub pull requests;
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Some folk use CircleCI, some use ci-cassandra. The green checkbox idea
>> >> is great, so long as it's optional. We don't want PRs triggering the
>> >> runs either (there are other mechanisms for triggering for now).
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> The actions points here are:
>> >>>
>> >>> - initiate a wide survey for user and dev lists, to get to know about
>> >>> the usages;
>> >>> - remove those configurations that are not used anymore;
>> >>> - force migration from Ant to Gradle/Maven;
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Let's leave this out for now. There's too many unknowns here. If
>> >> there's an IDE configuration that's broken, no one has reported it for
>> >> ages, and no one is around to fix it, then I say we should raise the
>> >> discussion to remove it.
>> >>
>> >> The Gradle/Maven migration is a hot one, contribute to that discussion
>> >> but let's not tangle this work up with it, IMHO.
>> >>
>> >> Totally agree that IDE project files should be as light weight as
>> possible.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> Summarizing everything proposed above I think it is possible to
>> >>> simplify adding small contributions easier to the codebase as well as
>> >>> save a bunch of committer's time.
>> >>>
>> >>> So,
>> >>> WDYT about the things described above?
>> >>> Should I create a CEP for this?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I see no need for a CEP here. An epic and tickets will work.
>> >> Again, thanks for the input Maxim!

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