
I'm gearing up to help get the Cassandra 5.0 docs in good order before the
GA release occurs later this year. Recently, I've been thinking about a
more standardized organization to docs, to make it simpler for users to
find what they are looking for, separate from searching. [That's the kind
of thing docs nerds think about.] To that end, I've created a unified
information architecture (IA) that can apply to any kind of documentation,
including the Apache C* docs.

Up front, I'll say, not every section of this organization applies to
Apache C* docs, but reorganizing the docs to follow this pattern as much as
possible will help users find what they need.

I'd like your input into this IA that I've outlined. Please give me
feedback about your opinions! If I can tackle this issue before launching
into adding CEP features, working down the existing JIRA tickets for
documentation, and backfilling missing items, it would be immensely
helpful. No opinion will go unaddressed, so please take a few minutes to
take a look.

I'm linking a google doc, to make it easy for anyone to make comments:

I'm also drafting an Apache C* 5.0 Doc Plan for the work, to make it simple
for anyone to know what is being done, and will share that next. In
addition, I've started consolidating the current Documentation tickets that
are open under the JIRA project, component "Documentation".

Lorina Poland

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