“ Only that it locks out of the conversation anyone without a Jira login”
Very valid point I forgot about - since recently people need invitation in
order to create account…
Then I would say C until we clarify the scope. Thanks

On Thu, 2 Feb 2023 at 8:54, Benedict <bened...@apache.org> wrote:

> I think lazy consensus is fine for all of these things. If a DISCUSS
> thread is crickets, or just positive responses, then definitely it can
> proceed without further ceremony.
> I think “with heads-up to the mailing list” is very close to B? Only that
> it locks out of the conversation anyone without a Jira login.
> On 2 Feb 2023, at 13:46, Ekaterina Dimitrova <e.dimitr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> While I do agree with you, I am thinking that if we include many things
> that we would expect lazy consensus on I would probably have different
> preference.
> I definitely don’t mean to stall this though so in that case:
> I’d say combination of A+C (jira with heads up on the ML if someone is
> interested into the jira) and regular log on API changes separate from
> CHANGES.txt or we can just add labels to entries in CHANGES.txt as some
> other projects. (I guess this is a detail we can agree on later on, how to
> implement it, if we decide to move into that direction)
> On Thu, 2 Feb 2023 at 8:12, Benedict <bened...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I think it’s fine to separate the systems from the policy? We are
>> agreeing a policy for systems we want to make guarantees about to our users
>> (regarding maintenance and compatibility)
>> For me, this is (at minimum) CQL and virtual tables. But I don’t think
>> the policy differs based on the contents of the list, and given how long
>> this topic stalled for. Given the primary point of contention seems to be
>> the *policy* and not the list, I think it’s time to express our opinions
>> numerically so we can move the conversation forwards.
>> This isn’t binding, it just reifies the community sentiment.
>> On 2 Feb 2023, at 13:02, Ekaterina Dimitrova <e.dimitr...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> “ So we can close out this discussion, let’s assume we’re only
>> discussing any interfaces we want to make promises for. We can have a
>> separate discussion about which those are if there is any disagreement.”
>> May I suggest we first clear this topic and then move to voting? I would
>> say I see confusion, not that much of a disagreement. Should we raise a
>> discussion for every feature flag for example? In another thread virtual
>> tables were brought in. I saw also other examples where people expressed
>> uncertainty. I personally feel I’ll be able to take a more informed
>> decision and vote if I first see this clarified.
>> I will be happy to put down a document and bring it for discussion if
>> people agree with that
>> On Thu, 2 Feb 2023 at 7:33, Aleksey Yeshchenko <alek...@apple.com> wrote:
>>> Bringing light to new proposed APIs no less important - if not more, for
>>> reasons already mentioned in this thread. For it’s not easy to change them
>>> later.
>>> Voting B.
>>> On 2 Feb 2023, at 10:15, Andrés de la Peña <adelap...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> If it's a breaking change, like removing a method or property, I think
>>> we would need a DISCUSS API thread prior to making changes. However, if the
>>> change is an addition, like adding a new yaml property or a JMX method, I
>>> think JIRA suffices.

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