On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 9:50 AM Benjamin Lerer <b.le...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you have rows that vary significantly in their size, your latencies
>> could end up being pretty unpredictable using a LIMIT BY <row_count>. Being
>> able to specify a limit by bytes at the driver / API level would allow app
>> devs to get more deterministic results out of their interaction w/the DB if
>> they're looking to respond back to a client within a certain time frame and
>> / or determine next steps in the app (continue paging, stop, etc) based on
>> how long it took to get results back.
> Are you talking about the page size or the LIMIT. Once the LIMIT is
> reached there is no "continue paging". LIMIT is also at the CQL level not
> at the driver level.
> I can totally understand the need for a page size in bytes not for a LIMIT.

Would only ever EXPECT to see a page size in bytes, never a LIMIT
specifying bytes.

I know the C-11745 ticket says LIMIT, too, but that feels very odd to me.

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