> not running it automatically with the targets which devs usually run locally.

The checks tend to have an opt-out, such as -Dno-checkstyle=true… so its really 
easy to setup your local environment to opt out what you do not care about… I 
feel we should force people to opt-out rather than opt-in… 

> On Jun 26, 2023, at 7:47 AM, Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.ja...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> That would work as well Brandon, basically what is proposed in 
> CASSANDRA-18618, that is "check" target, actually needs to build the project 
> to perform some verifications - I suppose running "ant check" should be 
> sufficient.  
> - - -- --- ----- -------- -------------
> Jacek Lewandowski
> pon., 26 cze 2023 o 16:01 Brandon Williams <dri...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:dri...@gmail.com>> napisał(a):
>> The "artifacts" task is not quite the same since it builds other things like 
>> docs, which significantly contributes to longer build time.  I don't see why 
>> we couldn't add a new task that preserves the old behavior though, "fulljar" 
>> or something like that.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Brandon
>> On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 6:12 AM Jacek Lewandowski 
>> <lewandowski.ja...@gmail.com <mailto:lewandowski.ja...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Yes, I've mentioned that there is a property we can set to skip checkstyle.
>>> Currently such a goal is "artifacts" which basically validates everything.
>>> - - -- --- ----- -------- -------------
>>> Jacek Lewandowski
>>> pon., 26 cze 2023 o 13:09 Mike Adamson <madam...@datastax.com 
>>> <mailto:madam...@datastax.com>> napisał(a):
>>>> While I like the idea of this because of added time these checks take, I 
>>>> was under the impression that checkstyle (at least) can be disabled with a 
>>>> flag. 
>>>> If we did do this, would it make sense to have a "release"  or "commit" 
>>>> target (or some other name) that ran a full build with all checks that can 
>>>> be used prior to pushing changes?
>>>> On Mon, 26 Jun 2023 at 08:35, Berenguer Blasi <berenguerbl...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:berenguerbl...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> I would prefer sthg that is totally transparent to me and not add one 
>>>>> more step I have to remember. Just to push/run CI to find out I missed it 
>>>>> and rinse and repeat... With the recent fix to checkstyle I am happy as 
>>>>> things stand atm. My 2cts
>>>>> On 26/6/23 8:43, Jacek Lewandowski wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> The context is that we currently have 3 checks in the build:
>>>>>> - Checkstyle,
>>>>>> - Eclipse-Warnings,
>>>>>> - RAT
>>>>>> CheckStyle and RAT are executed with almost every target we run: build, 
>>>>>> jar, test, test-some, testclasslist, etc.; on the other hand, 
>>>>>> Eclipse-Warnings is executed automatically only with the artifacts 
>>>>>> target. 
>>>>>> Checkstyle currently uses some caching, so subsequent reruns without 
>>>>>> cleaning the project validate only the modified files.
>>>>>> Both CI - Jenkins and Circle forces running all checks.
>>>>>> I want to discuss whether you are ok with extracting all checks to their 
>>>>>> distinct target and not running it automatically with the targets which 
>>>>>> devs usually run locally. In particular:
>>>>>> "build", "jar", and all "test" targets would not trigger CheckStyle, RAT 
>>>>>> or Eclipse-Warnings
>>>>>> A new target "check" would trigger all CheckStyle, RAT, and 
>>>>>> Eclipse-Warnings
>>>>>> The new "check" target would be run along with the "artifacts" target on 
>>>>>> Jenkins-CI, and it as a separate build step in CircleCI
>>>>>> The rationale for that change is:
>>>>>> Running all the checks together would be more consistent, but running 
>>>>>> all of them automatically with build and test targets could waste time 
>>>>>> when we develop something locally, frequently rebuilding and running 
>>>>>> tests.
>>>>>> On the other hand, it would be more consistent if the build did what we 
>>>>>> want - as a dev, when prototyping, I don't want to be forced to run 
>>>>>> analysis (and potentially fix issues) whenever I want to build a project 
>>>>>> or just run a single test.
>>>>>> There are ways to avoid running checks automatically by specifying some 
>>>>>> build properties. Though, the discussion is about the default behavior - 
>>>>>> on the flip side, if one wants to run the checks along with the 
>>>>>> specified target, they could add the "check" target to the command line. 
>>>>>> The rationale for keeping the checks running automatically with every 
>>>>>> target is to reduce the likelihood of not running the checks locally 
>>>>>> before pushing the branch and being surprised by failing CI soon after 
>>>>>> starting the build. 
>>>>>> That could be fixed by running checks in a pre-push Git hook. There are 
>>>>>> some benefits of this compared to the current behavior:
>>>>>> the checks would be run automatically only once
>>>>>> they would be triggered even for those devs who do everything in IDE and 
>>>>>> do not even touch Ant commands directly
>>>>>> Checks can take time; to optimize that, they could be enforced locally 
>>>>>> to verify only the modified files in the same way as we currently 
>>>>>> determine the tests to be repeated for CircleCI.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> - - -- --- ----- -------- -------------
>>>>>> Jacek Lewandowski
>>>> -- 
>>>>  <https://www.datastax.com/>       Mike Adamson
>>>> Engineering
>>>> +1 650 389 6000 <tel:16503896000> | datastax.com 
>>>> <https://www.datastax.com/>
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