Sounds like we're relitigating the basics of how @Deprecated, forRemoval, 
since, and javadoc @link all intersect to make deprecation less painful ;)

 1. Built-in java.lang.Deprecated: required
 2. Can use since and forRemoval if you have that info handy and think it'd be 
useful (would make it a lot easier to grep for things to pull before a major)
 3. If it's being replaced by something, you should {@link #} the javadoc for 
it so people know where to bounce over to
I've been leaning pretty heavily on the functionality of point 3 for 
documenting cross-module implicit dependencies as I come across them lately so 
that one resonates with me.

On Tue, Oct 10, 2023, at 4:38 AM, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
> OK.
> Let's go with in-built java.lang.Deprecated annotation. If somebody wants to 
> document that in more detail, there are Javadocs as mentioned. Let's just 
> stick with the standard stuff.
> I will try to implement this for 5.0 (versions since it was deprecated) with 
> my take on what should be removed (forRemoval = true) but that should be 
> definitely cross-checked on review as Mick mentioned.
> ________________________________________
> From: Mick Semb Wever <>
> Sent: Monday, October 9, 2023 10:55
> To:
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] putting versions into Deprecated annotations
> NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or 
> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
> Tangential question to this is if everything we deprecated is eligible for 
> removal? In other words, are there any cases when forRemoval would be false? 
> Could you elaborate on that and give such examples or do you all think that 
> everything which is deprecated will be eventually removed?
> Removal cannot be default.  This came up in the subtickets of CASSANDRA-18306.
> I suggest that adding " forRemoval = true" and the later actual removal of 
> the code both require broader consensus.  I'm open to that being on the 
> ticket or needing a thread on the ML.  Small stuff, common sense says on the 
> ticket is enough, but a few folk have already stated that deprecated code 
> that has minimal maintenance overhead should not be removed.

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