In case you're keeping score on how frequently these are coming out: *please 
stop*. ;)

Silver lining - looks like we have a lot to discuss this round! Last update was 
late July and we've been churning through the 5.0 freeze and stabilization 

*[New Contributors Getting Started]
Check out, channel #cassandra-dev. Reply directly to 
me on this email if you need an invite for your account, and reach out to the 
@cassandra_mentors alias in the channel if you need to get oriented.

We have a list of curated "getting started" tickets you can find here, filtered 
to "ToDo" (i.e. not yet worked):

*Helpful links:**
- Getting Started with Development on C*:
- Building and IDE integration (worktrees are your friend; msg me on slack if 
you need pointers):
- Code Style:

*[Dev mailing list]

My last email of shame was 35 threads. Drumroll for this one...
91. *Yeesh*. Let me stick to highlights.

Ekaterina pushed through dropping JDK8 support and adding JDK17 support... back 
in July. If you didn't know about it by know, consider yourself doubly 
notified. :) . 
I think I can speak on behalf of all of us when I say: **Thank You Ekaterina.**

This came up recently on another thread about when to branch 5.1, but we 
discussed our freeze plans and exception rules for TCM and Accord here: Mick was 
essentially looking for a similar waiver for Vector search since it was well 
abstracted, depended on SAI and external libs, and in general shouldn't be too 
big of a disruption to get into 5.0. General consensus at the time was "sure", 
and the work has since been completed. But here's the reminder and link for 
posterity (and in case you missed it).

Jaydeep reached out about a potential short-term solution to detecting 
token-ownership mismatch while we don't yet have TCM; this seems more pressing 
now as we're looking at a 5.0 without yet having TCM in it. The dev ML thread 
is here:, and 
he created dealing with 
the topic. There's a relatively modest (7 files, just over 300 lines) PR 
available here:; I haven't 
looked into it, but it might be worth considering getting this into 5.0 since 
it looks like we're moving to cutting w/out TCM. Any thoughts?

We had a pretty good discussion about automated repair scheduling, discussing 
whether it should live in the DB proper vs. in the sidecar, pros and cons, 
pressures, etc. Not sure if things moved beyond that; I know there's at least a 
few implementations out there that haven't yet made their way back to the ASF 
project proper. Thread: My hope is we 
can avoid the gridlock we hit for a long time with the sidecar where there are 
multiple implementations with different tradeoffs and everyone's 
disincentivized from accepting a solution different from their own in-house one 
since it'd theoretically require re-tooling. Tough problem with no easy 
solutions, but would love to see this become a first class citizen in the 

Paulo brought up a discussion about moving to disk_access_mode = 
mmap_index_only on 5.0. Seemed to be a consensus there but I'm not sure we 
actually changed that in the 5.0 branch? Thread: Just pulled 
on cassandra-5.0 and it looks like auto + hasLargeAddressSpace() == .mmap 
rather than .mmap_index_only.

David Capwell worked on adding some retries to repair messages when they're 
failing to make the process more robust: Reception was 
positive enough that he went so far as to back-port it and also work on some 
for IR. Looks like he could use a reviewer here: - and this is patch 

Mike Adamson reached out about adding / taking a dependency on jvector: The general 
gist of it was "looks good, written by committer(s) / pmc members, permissvely 
licensed. Go for it". Some discussion about copyright holders and whether that 
matters from an ASF perspective, and we've further had some good discussion 
about the application of generative AI tooling to not just code contributed to 
the ASF, but also in dependencies we bring into the project. If you're curious 
about more details, check out the Apache LEGAL-656 JIRA here: The TL;DR comment is from 
Roman here:

Maxim Muzafarov keeps fighting the good fight of helping to clean up our 
codebase; he opened a thread about Cassandra's code style and source analysis 
here: We have 
a label for "code-polishing" that you can check that we're holding off on until 
after Accord and TCM merge so they don't take on a painful rebase burden 
mid-integration work 

Mick had some ideas around improving how we announce and handle having broken 
branches and merging to them: The gist of 
this: it's not great when a branch is straight up broken in ASF CI and then 
folks merge more code on top of that break; makes it harder to root out what's 
going on. We didn't _really_ get too far in closure on how we'd prevent this 
case in the future beyond "email the dev ML, post in #cassandra-dev slack, 
and... pray?". I'm in favor of a slack-bot that yells at us hourly if our 
builds are formally broken so we can't forget, with the assumption it _should_ 
be a pretty rare situation. If anyone else has input here that'd be helpful.

Builds for 5.0 and trunk are now based on in-tree build scripts (found in 
.build). The scripts were moved from the cassandra-builds repo here:, where you can find build scripts 
used for other branches. Expect this to continue to evolve as we take some of 
the best learnings from circleci and other build systems and integrate them 

Claude discovered that our documentation for development dependencies is out of 
date: Looks 
like Abe's working on an update there, but if anyone has opinions or cycles to 
help out this is high leverage work.

Yifan Cai reached out about merging some changes for CQLSSTableWriter to 4.0 
and up. Since this is offline tools only the general consensus was "go for it":

Maxim could use a reviewer for allowing UPDATE on settings virtual tables (ML:, original ML 
thread here:, 
JIRA: I have to imagine 
most users would prefer to use CQL to interact w/their node settings than JMX, 
though I assume most of us have some Stockholm Syndrome at this point.

Amit Pawar reached out about how we're approaching our defaults for the 
CommitLog (mmap vs. the new DirectI/O they have a PR up for). The general 
consensus was "that looks and sounds great, and we shouldn't change defaults 
until it's had time to bake as an option".


Since late July (~ 3 months):

3.0: 9 -> 18
• Was hovering around 12 ish for a good while there
3.11: 16 -> 20
• There's a lot more variance on this one. Curious why the delta from 3.0.
4.0: 24 -> 11
• Looks like long-term trend is around the 8? mark
4.1: 12 -> 12
• Pretty stable around 12 failures here
5.0: Averaging around 10
• Do we have too many branches yet?
trunk: 16 -> 12
• One pretty big spike in there when CI was transitioning over, but on the 
whole in a pretty "tame" place.

Low-grade noise on each of the branches. Spot-checking failures on 3.0, 4.0, 
and trunk, nothing really pops as being commonalities between them.

*[What's been closed out]**
Updated quick-filter with new, ridiculous 90 day duration:
JQL sorted by priority then type:

Due to the sheer volume of tickets (170 in the past 90 days!), I'll refrain 
from including them all in this email thread here. I should be considerably 
less "compressed for time" in the near future, so fingers crossed we can get 
back to a more digestible volume on these updates on a monthly cadence as we go 
into aggressive "release-mode".

Being a part of an open-source community that's this mature, in a domain this 
complex, that's not only firing on all cylinders but going further and 
self-improving and accelerating is really gratifying and humbling for me. 
Thanks everyone for being a part of this.


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